This is an apartment bird???


Supporting Member
Jan 18, 2011
Mt. Dora Fl./central Fl.
11 month old Senegal Parrot - 3 year old SI Eclectus
when you view the video, turn your speakers all the way up to get close to the full effect. This is one of her quieter days hahahahaha.

[ame=""]This is an apartment bird??? - YouTube[/ame]
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Ouch. I'd say I got pretty lucky with all my birds, all of them only make noise when the vacuum is on, unless theu are talking. Though I'd say the only time oliver is purposefully yelling is in the mornings, when his cage coverings on and he can't see the world, ;) honestly though that only lasts about 10 seconds.
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It seems you got very lucky indeed. I've said from the git go that If I lived in an Apartment with my Senegal Tiki, I would have been evicted quite a while back. hahahahahah. Fortunately, it's not all day. But it also depends on her mood as well. Some times, she will go on and on for quite a long time and some times, it doesn't matter if she's with me or not. She really gets loud and moody when she has a loose feather.

I mainly recorded her this morning because I constantly see folks posting that Senegals are great apartment birds and their birds are quiet as church mice. It seems that when quietness was being passed out, Tiki was standing behind the door. hahahahahahaha.
That video just got the most intense stare I've ever seen out of Sidney. He jumped right down to my shoulder and stared hard at the computer. After a few seconds he let out an answering screech right into my ear. Ouch!

He is mostly quiet unless he is calling for me. So far nobody has complained about my birds. I'd be certain that the blue crowns would get neighbors annoyed first. Sid's call carries through walls but comparatively it is not nearly as loud as the conures doing their thing.

He is still staring several minutes after the video ended.
Ohhhh! but I know that call thats the ear splitting call Bogart used to call for his girl friend the Yellow Lovebird it's like a drill going through tile, it will melt your brain, try this every time she makes that call answer it with a monotone call of your own I used a whistle I can repeat at the same pitch every time. and I paid not attention to him when he made the loud call just made my monotone call back but the minute he copied my monotone call I turned and praised him and made a big fuss he soon figured out that the screech got no response but the monotone call got my attention so he stopped the one call and looks for me with the other call.
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Ohhhh! but I know that call thats the ear splitting call Bogart used to call for his girl friend the Yellow Lovebird it's like a drill going through tile, it will melt your brain, try this every time she makes that call answer it with a monotone call of your own I used a whistle I can repeat at the same pitch every time. and I paid not attention to him when he made the loud call just made my monotone call back but the minute he copied my monotone call I turned and praised him and made a big fuss he soon figured out that the screech got no response but the monotone call got my attention so he stopped the one call and looks for me with the other call.

Oooooo, I will have to give that a try. Her honk is like a bad interpritation of a goose's honk. It's like raking your fingernails over a chaulk board and I think she knows how irritating it is and uses it all the time. She's going on 3 years old now, so she may be calling for a mate.

The only difference between a good day and a bad day with her is, she will only use that call 5-6 times for the day and be pretty passive and happy, this is a good day. Bad day, she uses that call numerous times during the day with maybe half hour to an hour inbetween calls. She will also be moody, bitey or pinchy. This is usually because of a feather coming out.
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I mainly just wanted to show by this video, not all senegals are quiet birds. So it's kind of like pot luck when you adopt or buy one, which one you will get. But even on her worst day, I still wouldn't take a dollar and a quarter for her.
OMG it is so true as the saying goes DYNAMITE COMES IN SMALL PACKAGES

Mishka is listening to it.... saying ohhhhhh Mommy, shuuu oh shut up.
It is hilarious, I must try get this on video....

Oh my, here I was thinking about getting a Senegal instead of the grey. I'm hoping yours is the odd ball. :D
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hahahahahahaha, I can't say for sure, this is the only Senegal that I have ever spent any real time around. When I told me wife I posted this video of Tiki, she made sure to ask if I also mentioned that this was Tiki on a GOOD DAY. There are days when she really gets moody and could make a preacher cuss. The reason I got a Senegal was because they were supposed to be quiet birds and touted to be "apartment birds". I think someone forgot to tell Tiki this.

I got Tiki off of a Craigslist rehoming ad. She was only 11 months old had raised her from a baby even hand feeding her. I thought it odd that she had wanted to rehome such a sweet bird. But after the first two weeks of having Tiki, my wife said she knew why they wanted to rehome Tiki (Duuuuuhhhhhh) hahahahahahahaa.

Now, don't get me wrong, most people may think she's fairly quiet if they left and went to work for 8-10 hours a day because in the evening, she's pretty quiet. But I'm retired and home with her 24/7. Now Mac, my eclectus is a quiet bird and a dream to have around. He's just a tad clingy meaning he wants to literally be on you all day.

I akin it to having children. Parents usually have one child that is no problem and a joy, while another child is always getting into trouble.:)
lol tiki is soo loud!! nut never really makes that kinda call, when she heard tiki she came right up as if by command lol
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I'm wondering if the previous owners lived near a lake or pond where there were geese. The call Tiki makes is quite similar to that. To me it's almost like a honking sound and we all know how Senegals LOVE to mimic.

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