The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Well... no big change... his hematocrit continues to sneak upwards, which is bad, BUTTT... he is in excellent spirits, looks fine, sounds fine (well, you know what I mean) and we have The Plan for that procedure next Tuesday morning. He won't be away from me long, We should be home that afternoon.
AND I WILL TELL YOU SOMETHING --- I feel alright. I promise. No fibbing. You have really helped me settle and find peace with my journey.

Onwards, to a good POTM entry this month!

I am wondering if Rb might be anemic? Or is this only a circulation/pumping issue and not anemia? If anemia could he not have iron infusions?

Have you tried giving the bitter meds with pina colada cocktail mix?
One photo is of the Rbird and yours truly, @1985... the other is 2016. Can you tell which is which? Hint: Don't bother looking at the bird... he hasn't changed! The same glasses are back in style... hmmm...


I appreciate you for taking good care of him .
I am wondering if Rb might be anemic? Or is this only a circulation/pumping issue and not anemia? If anemia could he not have iron infusions?

Have you tried giving the bitter meds with pina colada cocktail mix?
I hear what you are saying and would be well worth asking that question in the vast majority of cases. I only can wish that my Julio was seeing RB's Avian Vet.
I am wondering if Rb might be anemic? Or is this only a circulation/pumping issue and not anemia? If anemia could he not have iron infusions?

Have you tried giving the bitter meds with pina colada cocktail mix?
Welllll, I had the same concern about anemia! Dr. Wonderful investigated that with related tests, so... no... apparently not.

But HEY... you suggest pina colada? This is amazing to me, since my most recent experiment involved pineapple plus coconut (McCormick Liquids) in a plain yogurt base...
I've tried many flavors. Many combinations. Many.
And today, this similar colada/pina mix really seemed to interest him.
We'll see!!!!!!

Thank you. xoxox
I hear what you are saying and would be well worth asking that question in the vast majority of cases. I only can wish that my Julio was seeing RB's Avian Vet.
I KNOW, Boats, I do KNOW! I am cosmically blessed.
If you two ever want to travel to Cleveland for a consult, you can both bunk in my studio. I have a cot for you and an end table for Big J.
Welllll, I had the same concern about anemia! Dr. Wonderful investigated that with related tests, so... no... apparently not.

But HEY... you suggest pina colada? This is amazing to me, since my most recent experiment involved pineapple plus coconut (McCormick Liquids) in a plain yogurt base...
I've tried many flavors. Many combinations. Many.
And today, this similar colada/pina mix really seemed to interest him.
We'll see!!!!!!

Thank you. xoxox
I mean, the drink mix you get in large bottles for your weekend party. It’s a syrup: some flavoring and lots of sugar.

I always just used smoothie but I think the mix is much sweeter and more concentrated. Maybe it’s the same as used in Italian sodas? I’m not sure.

P.s. I looked this up online; mixes range from $4 to lots$$ and you can get “skinny” mixes now. But I would go for real sugar unless the vet says otherwise as I think it has better likelihood to cover up the bitterness. I don’t know if you can find one made with real coconut milk or cream but the extra fats might help cover the taste, too, as well as giving the medication really COLD (numbs the tastebuds??).

Over the tongue and back towards the right side of the throat is the way to go.
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I KNOW, Boats, I do KNOW! I am cosmically blessed.
If you two ever want to travel to Cleveland for a consult, you can both bunk in my studio. I have a cot for you and an end table for Big J.

We have been lucky over the past year and a half as Julio has remained healthy. But we are deeply concerned that we are seriously underserved regarding Julio's health. We may need to take you up on your offer, dear friend.
Heather, I LOVE that idea, and will check out the mixes and techniques! I think you may be ON to something. Film at 11.

Boatsie, the offer is permanent!

Off to the VetGod tomorrow for the p-p-p-p-procedure. Is there a scarier word for a parront? I don't think so, unless it's "escape". Yeah, actually that word's so horrible that I feel pretty good just going in for the procedure!


Heather, I LOVE that idea, and will check out the mixes and techniques! I think you may be ON to something. Film at 11.

Boatsie, the offer is permanent!

Off to the VetGod tomorrow for the p-p-p-p-procedure. Is there a scarier word for a parront? I don't think so, unless it's "escape". Yeah, actually that word's so horrible that I feel pretty good just going in for the procedure!


And we will be with you every step of the way, Aunty G, the two of you could not be in better hands 🙏🙏🙏🤞🤞🤞💝💝💝
What a wonderful day. Hematocrit down (that's good); procedure went perfectly; Treatment Plan is in process and everything looks good. We're in for the long haul, but for now, our little rooster is home, happily perched for the night. I am absolutely RENEWED!
I felt those hopes, prayers, and good wishes right in my heart. Thank you, PF, thank you, PF, THANK YOU,

He R I S E S !!!!!!!!!
Awesome Awesome AWESOME, Aunty G!! The very best possible news! *Happy Dance* being done for you down here in Briz Vegas, and all across the world!! :love: :love: :love:
Yay!!! I’ve been silently following and was so worried about today. I’m so glad everything worked out as planned. I hope this helps him turn a corner! We need at LEAST ten more years of the RB’s sage wisdom around here!!
I was thinking of you and Rb all day (and my lovely Lucy; my old lady bird). I am glad his procedure went well and he’s doing a bit better.

Have you tried the pina colada mix? If he was getting all his meds in him that would help too.

(Where’s Mothra?)

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