The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Videografferator, defenderator, defenestrator, uplifterator, booterator...

This reminds me of a situation a long ago when it came to my family's/friends' attention that the Rickeybird could not pronounce his S-sounds (like most parrots, I'm told). For example, when he yells STOP IT, it comes out as 'TOP IT. Well, somebody started omitting Ss, and it caught on, and soon it was like a secret cult language. You would regularly hear conversations like "I am 'o happy to 'ee you!", "Oh, 'ame here, 'weetie." And so on. Gradually it faded out.

Anyway, I wish all you memberemberlembers and Moderodderators a great day. 'Uch a pleasure to 'pend time with you. You're all 'o 'pecial to me!"
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~Once Again, the Rickeybird Gets It All Wrong~



Okay, hey, this here the Rickeybird, okay, an I AM MADDDDD!
This DISARM DAY iss wayyy wrong an real bad idea. Sometimes you peoples need a good bite upside the fingers, for sure, but there is not NO NEED for biting off arms, no way. Is just tooo much, plus, if peoples got no arms, how they gonna get parrots food ann water ann how they gonna change papers ann hw they gonna do all kinds of stuff??? No way, this DISARMERATER day is all wrong. I am against it.
This here the Rickeybird, okay, bye."

Oh, Rickeybird...


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Thank you so much for sharing Rickey Bird! I fell in love with a Patagonian conure when I was a little girl and at the time we couldn't afford him ( nor did we know much about birds) so I got my aunt to get him! And unfortunately a hawk killed him many years ago. I still think about him and miss him dearly.
~Once Again, the Rickeybird Gets It All Wrong~


"Okay, hey, this here the Rickeybird, okay, an I AM MADDDDD!
This DISARM DAY iss wayyy wrong an real bad idea. Sometimes you peoples need a good bite upside the fingers, for sure, but there is not NO NEED for biting off arms, no way. Is just tooo much, plus, if peoples got no arms, how they gonna get parrots food ann water ann how they gonna change papers ann hw they gonna do all kinds of stuff??? No way, this DISARM day is all wrong. I am against it.
This here the Rickeybird, okay, bye."

Oh, Rickeybird...


However, if by "disarming" you mean bewitching, seductive and utterly charming, you got that right Mr Rickeybird, you handsome devil you :)
Oh, LittleRed, what a terror. Well, at least the passing was fast, I hope, and at least the bird knew love in its life!

Dear darling LaMartina, you shouldn't encourage him. Me. Him. Geez, Tikitiel was right to be concernerated... I am way too enmesherated with the Rb.
Well, you probably shouldn't encouragerate either one of us.

I'll stop now.
Oh, LittleRed, what a terror. Well, at least the passing was fast, I hope, and at least the bird knew love in its life!

Dear darling LaMartina, you shouldn't encourage him. Me. Him. Geez, Tikitiel was right to be concernerated... I am way too enmesherated with the Rb.
Well, you probably shouldn't encouragerate either one of us.

I'll stop now.
He did! He used to call the horse over and ride them! Best bird ever ♡ I never realized how rare this type of conure is. You and RickyBird are two very blessed beans to have each other♡♡


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Well, some of you may have run across this thread... wow! I'm getting great support and information.

We're preparing, packing, and panicking... NO, NO, NO, not panicking... back to preparing, yeah. We've been in this nice, roomy suburban ranch house for 15 or so years, and the time has come to downsize. MANNN, we're filling up our trash cans, the local Goodwill donation bins, neighbors' Christmas/lawn decoration collections... you can imagine...

Preparing for the new place, getting everybody ready...

The Rickeybird is the only one of us who will suffer no loss of space or stuff. His bedroom... cage, stuff, furniture, etc., will transfer almost seamlessly.

Selling our current place... sale pending...
New townhouse reserved.
We'll keep our wonderful avian vet, no matter the distance.
Move date is 12-17, assuming house sale goes through.

So... let's see, what else?
Y'all may not know it yet, but you're holding my hand through it all.
PARROT FORUMS to the RESCUE!!!!!!!!!!
Best of luck with your big move, Aunty G, I'm holding your hand all the way!! Don't stress, and let those big, burly, muscly removalists do all the heavy lifting for you, that's what you're paying 'em for!!

(Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.....big burly muscly removalists.........probably rather hirsute too..........mmmmmmmmmmmm😉)
Who, this guy??


He's a little busy right now I'm afraid. But i can always trim off some of his hairs and send them over for you to run your fingers thru if you think it'll help! :D

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