The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Amen, Boats!

And in another suitable
Rickeybird Retrospective
concerning good neighbors...

Rickeybird Retrospective

Misspent Youth



Awwwwwwww, the very picture of innocence, that’s our Rickeybird. It’s that lousy Rival just tryna make you look bad, my man! When’s someone gonna arrest HIM, that’s what we wanna know??!!
Okay, as the official Scrapbook Archivist, I am hereby changing that there Rickeybird RetroWHATEVER to MEMORY LANE. Much folksier and cuter Okay, just to start off, I will demonstrate that our Memory Lane has more than cutesy photos. We have amusing stories, too......................
Here's one from way back. I think it demonstrates my patience, strong work ethic, and overall good will.

I give you-----------
The Fireplace Story.
by my lovely wife
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    The fireplace story.
    My ol' man was cleaning out the fireplace one day. He was kneeling and sweeping/swiping, grumbling, too. I was not thinking and allowed the Rickeybird to stay out, with a big, gaping, alluring burrow-looking enclosure (the fireplace). Patagonians nest in burrows they dig in limestone cliffs; they love burrows. At one point, hubbby leaned way in to the fireplace, and the Rickeybird could contain himself no longer. He flew to claim his rightful nest, skimmed hubby's head/hair and landing right in the middle of the ashes and coals, flapping and snapping and hopping. Debris flew out and everywhere like bats out of a cave. Hubby made a wise retreat. I was over there instantly, trying to grab the bird, who took off, flying over furniture, over drapes, hopping along window sills, up again, around in circles, dumping ashes and charcoal clumps everywhere throughout living room and dining room, finally landing on my head. He flew for a good ten minutes. By that time, he was actually pretty clean. He agreed to a long bath, and didn't suffer any ill effects. My ol' man and I were cleaning ashes and dust and little four-toed foot prints for hours after that.
    And that's the fireplace story.

Breaking News...
LIVE from the Rickeybird's Bedroom.
Just before lights out...

Yes, yes, Memory Lane... that's fine.

But let us not forget, Rival, that there is a real bird behind all your jabs and jibes, and he was here before you and probably will be af---

Now look into this precious little beady eye and say goodnight before I turn out the lights in his room and come into the living room to give your life meaning.


"Goodnight, Rivalsy-schmivalsy..."
"Heyyyyyyy, this here the Rickeybird, yo! Tomorrow gonna be National KISSNMAKEUP Day, see?? Okay so who want a kiss? Put yer nose riiiiiight uppppp here an I got a big surprise for you!!!!"

If anybody needs to make amends with you, Rb, it would be that lousy no good Rival - now that is one "Kiss And Make Up" session I would LOVE to see! :D
Auntie Terry wants a kiss! Can I go before Rival so we don't have to clean the blood off his beak?
Well, every now and then, even the Rickeybird gets serious about something.
September is National Suicide Awareness (AND PREVENTION) Month.

I have often heard it said that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. That may sound like a minimization... after all, these "temporary" problems can appear insurmountable in the moment.
Still, where there is life, there is hope.
Do you need help? Reach out to somebody... anybody...
Do you know somebody who might need help? Reach out. It doesn't have to be heavy: maybe just a greeting... an invitation... an "I care". You never know what a little thing might mean to a desperate heart.
Our Community here is so special.
We need each other.
I am honored to BELONG.
Thank you for reading.

I'm glad you posted this. September is kind of a sombre month. I lost a close family member and an acquaintance of the Bird, to suicide a year or so after 9-11................. financial disaster, family member loss etc etc. I have often had second thoughts about what if, what if I had reached out, what if this or that. When in doubt, do it, reach out, ask, show that you care.
Geeez, send a picture of the Rickeybird, anything. I'm smiling through a tear, I admit.
And we all, Americans and friends of America, need to find our way through the 20th anniv. of 9-11.
Time for some Community moments. :)
And a cold one!
Once again, the Rickeybird misses the point...


Happy Self-Improvement Day, EVERYBODY!
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I'm glad you posted this. September is kind of a sombre month. I lost a close family member and an acquaintance of the Bird, to suicide a year or so after 9-11................. financial disaster, family member loss etc etc. I have often had second thoughts about what if, what if I had reached out, what if this or that. When in doubt, do it, reach out, ask, show that you care.
Geeez, send a picture of the Rickeybird, anything. I'm smiling through a tear, I admit.
And we all, Americans and friends of America, need to find our way through the 20th anniv. of 9-11.
Time for some Community moments. :)
And a cold one!
Sending you a huge hug, my Friend. I'm so sorry for your loss. I also lost someone to suicide, and I don't think the wondering if we could have changed it ever goes away.
I am also thinking of Sept. 11, hard to believe it has been 20 years.
Thank goodness we have the Rb and all our friends (Feathered and nonfeathered) to love and help us through.

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