The Pair!


Well-known member
Dec 22, 2011
Blue & Gold Macaw (Titan) & Yellow Naped Amazon (Kelly)
These two had bath time this afternoon:D

Monster looking at me like Whhyyyy must I have baths????

Monkey the midget:)

These two are still very super sweet (with me they have gotten less tolerant of other people but not mean just not as interested as before) even though they are very obviously paired up. Monster will now come on his own to me to see what I am up to. When I am lying in bed he will fly over to investigate what I am looking at on the computer without Monkey. He is definitely a much happier and confident bird these days. Should have seen him buzzing the floor when I was trying to catch him for the bath this afternoon! He saw Monkey get a bath and then was like you shall never catch me hahaha.... Amazing to see the two of them fly these days!
They look adorable. My GCC is just a bath fiend. I have to be careful, or she'll throw herself into the sink to get at the water!
Cute pics, Victoria, they are so cute, wet feathers and all!
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Yeah Monster has been much better since he became flighted and caged with Monkey. He gets more confidence all the time. The only bird seemingly affected by the move is Folger everyone else doesn't seem fazed.

Monkey has always been really tiny:D She weighs about 56 grams which is almost 20 less then she looks even smaller because of that fact when next to him! Let's just say she is very solid for her size...

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