The Not-LuLu (how I ended up with Apollo-Birb)

Awww, Blake is beautiful. Congrats on the progress you're making already!
Thanks, he's all tucked in to bed right now, I'll update you more tomorrow!
Alright, slight problem...
My mom HATES the name Blake.
She thinks it sounds too soap-opera esque
Sooo... his new name:
I was going to suggest Apollo lol, it's kinda gender neutral so if he ends up being a gurl Apollo will still be fine
Omg everyone wants Apollo! My mom and I were actually both thinking Apollo at the same time, and you as well, apparently! I think it's a perfect name!
He's still not coming out of the cage, but he's biting it because apparently invading his personal space
Apollo is fitting in with the flock!

He is now taking a nap in his cage 😍
He goes into his cage to take naps, it's so cute :love:
He's back in bed, sooooo sleepy.
He still hates me somewhat lol, but he's very cute! Picasso is not trying to kill him anymore, which is GREAT, but he still feels a bit uneasy. He has preened, slept, and eaten some seed (he was weaned on to seed, and right now I'm focusing on getting him to eat, not diet conversion), but hasn't had any water which is worrying me.
He still hates me somewhat lol, but he's very cute! Picasso is not trying to kill him anymore, which is GREAT, but he still feels a bit uneasy. He has preened, slept, and eaten some seed (he was weaned on to seed, and right now I'm focusing on getting him to eat, not diet conversion), but hasn't had any water which is worrying me.
Give him some time, but if he still doesn’t drink go see a CAV...
Give him some time, but if he still doesn’t drink go see a CAV...
Agreed. I do't know how long they can go without water, but it's been a day. I'll try to get him to eat and drink more, and maybe even explore beyond the bird tree (his cage door is always open, but he doesn't often go beyond the bird tree when exploring). He contact calls sometimes, and is also practicing flying, despite being severely clipped!
Apollo had a huge anxiety attack when I put him in his cage (he stepped up a couple times today!), and almost passed out. He was hanging by one foot on the top of his cage (he was too weak to lift the other foot up), and I caught him and he just lay on the palm of my hand for a bit while he regained his breath. Then, I took him around my room to all his favorite perches, and he chose to go on his bird tree (of course).
So yeah, he also won't stay calm if I turn off the lights, even with 3 NIGHTLIGHTS!
A theory on why he's not drinking:
He may have had a water bottle, I didn't pay attention.
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Apollo is getting scritches now via 'scritch stick'. a bamboo skewer. He's fine when it's just me and him, but not OK with the other birds yet. He also is taking millet on his own!

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