The Kea Parrot of NZ


New member
Jul 30, 2011
GTA ontario
none yet. have owned avians in the past
I think we should teach them bio chemistry and tell them to solve the cure for cancer and every other disease!!

Part 1:
[ame=]Kea documentary - the smartest parrot - part 1 of 3 - YouTube[/ame]

Part 2:

Part 3:
[ame=]Kea documentary - the smartest parrot - part 3 of 3 - YouTube[/ame]

I love how intelligent parrots are. This just proves it once again!
awww thanks fir sharing!! made me smile some an glad there not native wild birds of that intelligence here!!!!

i'm also glad there protected!

So glad their protected.
How amazing! And here I thought crows making tools were impressive.
I"ve seen this special before - it is sooo interesting! I remember my family & I couldn't stop laughing when they peel off the rubber stuff. Those poor people
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the versatility or animals to adapt is amazing really, somewhere i am thinking its in Africa but it could be elsewhere, they built a city over the habitat of one kind of monkey.... the monkeys have learnt how to break into houses... we can all imagine the havoc that could be...
Netty there was a study on primates breaking into houses for alcohol. I don't remember where exactly it was but the locals thought it was funny to provide alcohol for primates, and the monkeys became essentially addicts and were stealing drinks out of hands and homes.
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  • #8
Netty there was a study on primates breaking into houses for alcohol. I don't remember where exactly it was but the locals thought it was funny to provide alcohol for primates, and the monkeys became essentially addicts and were stealing drinks out of hands and homes.

the one i am talking about the were breaking into houses and stealing food not alcohol. but i find the locals providing them with alcohol as entertainment VERY disturbing o_O
Netty there was a study on primates breaking into houses for alcohol. I don't remember where exactly it was but the locals thought it was funny to provide alcohol for primates, and the monkeys became essentially addicts and were stealing drinks out of hands and homes.

the one i am talking about the were breaking into houses and stealing food not alcohol. but i find the locals providing them with alcohol as entertainment VERY disturbing o_O
i agree, but their intellegence is amazing!

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