The Continuing Capers of Companion-ing Cotton

Post dinner, Cotton-and-Mommy time while the pup is elsewhere


Prior to this was a full frontal foot raise head bob moment that had me head-bobbing back -- I think Cotton is too smart for these purposeful gestures because that was the very moment he turned his back 😄😍
I too have read a substantial amount on feather destruction (mainly for ekkie's but I always get side tracked, and end up reading about other things).

Nico is my little green monster! I don't mind that he is missing feathers. It gives him character, and I think he looks adorable just as Cotton does. The only reason I am concerned about Nico's feather plucking is because I know with parrots (in parrot world) their feathers are their everything. They spend hours preening to get their feathers perfect. While Nico over here is giving himself a feather cut (hair cut), and has no intention on trying to attract a female. Apparently he is past that.

If you find anything successful on feather destruction please let me know. I am always up for some new ideas.
Cotton's eyes (so far) have been bright and clear, in spite of my terrible photography. He definitely has staining above his nares though, so it's a symptom as I suspected, not due to how he drinks water..... I looked back at photos and the staining wasn't present the whole time so hopefully this is still mild.


@kme3388 I'll definitely share anything new I come across! So far I've been giving him lots of shredding / chewing options which he's using. It does appear he's snapping off the feathers - the tail feathers he removed yesterday have little stumps left.

I was trying to think of things that might have the same crunch as his feathers shafts do, so I bought bamboo skewers for grilling yesterday, to try to make a toy from.
@Laurasea after seeing your photos of Pikachu and especially Ta-Dah, I see now what you're saying about Cotton's eyes! I don't have any close up photos that aren't zoomed in on my phone, but you're right, I haven't really noticed his pupils being very distinct from the iris.
@Laurasea after seeing your photos of Pikachu and especially Ta-Dah, I see now what you're saying about Cotton's eyes! I don't have any close up photos that aren't zoomed in on my phone, but you're right, I haven't really noticed his pupils being very distinct from the iris.
Its possibly like you mentioned tho, that his age his iris color may not have changed yet. I've had a hard time determining when/what age this takes place. But it does seems by the time they get ring this has happened...
And the babies with dark/ black eyes dont seem to have that crimson hue overcast..
I feel so bad for my little guy!

But he came to the rescue with health issues and I've known this from the start. I'm just so glad I joined the forum!
Laurasea you are so spot on and catching things right away; I have such an immense amount of gratitude right now!

Yesterday poops (photo wasn't focusing on his poop so it's not the best) - turning the paper towel over, the back was all white (this is why I've been using paper towel - I don't know enough yet to notice changes right away)


Today's poops when I got home from work 😱 front and back of paper towel


I don't know what to say, just commenting because I'm no longer getting notifications on this thread, hopefully this solves that problem!
And his eyes - his whole face in general just looks rough this afternoon - and definitely moisture at his nares


For comparison here's the healthy Google image again (of a female so no dark eye bar)

not super bad, poops. You will have some color seep out as they sit.

Are those spots of blood? Are any of those spots poop with blood spots?

Yes, poor wet nose, possibly a little swelling in front of eye. Yes I think red eyes. The ring inside the orange ring seems pinker than should be
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not super bad. You will have some color seep out as they sit.

Are those spots of blood? Are any of those spots poop with blood spots?

I shook off all the cork bits and didn't see any obvious blood.

I'm going to change the paper again before I go to bed.

He's been attacking all his toys and talking to me for the last hour, and is finally eating after I pretended to eat pellets and seeds and told him he was missing out on a yummy (early) dinner.

He's been coming to the side closest to me and looking directly at me to chatter in the last couple days.

(I know these behaviors aren't related to severity of illness vs health but I want to keep documenting how our relationship develops too)

On the recommendation of a friend who knows parrots very well and has veterinary background, but who won't get into legal trouble in Minnesota for making recommendations, I've started Cotton on doxycycline today, 1g per 32 fl oz distilled water.

There's apparently a distilled water shortage in my city so I drove to multiple stores but struck gold at the dollar store right by my house!

The avian vets recommended to me for an ARN in particular are booked and would require I bring him in. I talked to a vet I used to work with who isn't certified but has seen exotics for decades and they feel taking him in right now would not be as helpful to his body as aggressive supportive care. They unofficially agree w doxy regimen.

My food diary lists all the usual and a new column "doxy water change am/pm, day 1/45"
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love hearing how happy and interactive he is!

I want a cork toy!

I will have to figure out where to order more; it's so perfect for him! He goes back and forth between the cork and balsa layers and it's so fun to see how differently his beak works on each!
Hers a just-now poop (with some seed remnants, he's back at the food bowl after I swapped out mash for regular seeds and pellets)


I used an old trick from checking "flea dirt" and put water droplets on all the little spots around the poop that didn't fall off right away - blood in theory should stain, and I didn't see any evidence of red staining 🤞🏻
The lights are dimmed in here so I can't get good video, but I wish you could see him investigating the sweeter heater above his cage 😂🤣😂

Put a new toy or perch inside, no worries, checks out immediately with glee! Put a nondescript white box above head: WORRIES 🤣

Inspection passed. Phew!

Also, for those of you wondering if your bird who is terrified of snakes more than anything in the world will react to seagrass being pulled out of the cage bars in case too close to heater -

What was I thinking?!?! 🤦🏼‍♀️ I had no idea it would be so LOUD for one thing but DUH it looked just like a snake striking would! Cotton tried to fly across the cage 😱😱😱 but thank goodness I hadn't removed anything once he was starting to hop and he just skittered across the tops of toys and perches!

It's so silly how we (me) can think I'm being so careful, talking through everything I'm doing, and making sure I'm wearing long sleeves to hide my hands, then SNAKE ATTACK!

He has forgiven me and chattered a little from across the way. Eegads.
How did I just find this thread!?
I love it! I'm gonna reply so that I can continue getting updates on Cotton and his wonderful journey with you!!!
It's like reading my dream novel that just continues to get better and better 🥰

That's high praise from a writer of your caliber!


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