Now that Cotton's past the worst of his molt and illness, and is more chatty and cheerful, I've gotten back to trying to push the comfort boundary a little further.
Yesterday I decided to hold a walnut at the cage bars above his treat bowl, with the intention of clicking and dropping it into the bowl the moment he made a move toward me.
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It took an hour
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I had to text my friend for moral support and my rotator cuff gave out long before Cotton's willpower did. But he finally went for it while I was sitting right up against his cage! Click and a second walnut piece deposited and I left the room (his favorite reward).
Day 2, armed with the TV remote, a gin and tonic, walnuts, the clicker, and an empty bladder. Ok buddy, here we go; I'm ready for this standoff!
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Eleven minutes
AND he thought hard about taking a second walnut directly from my fingers (through the bars) but decided against in favor of a warm perch and a nap.