The Chronicles of Obie

Perhaps I had spoken too soon? Hahahaha still no blood drawn, but he was in a rather crabby mood today. He expressed his dislike of being asked to step up from my shoulder by digging his little beak into my thumb. Ouch. He also thought my tattoos were pretty tasty, but just beaked them.

Good thing he's cute. I am in love with his colouring, these shades of gray are my favourites.

Don't mind my pyjamas. It's a lazy Sunday for me! :44:



Obie is a beauty :heart:
I'll be following ;)
Wow. Well, I was going to try to get a video of him today of him outside of his cage but he was a crabby little monster and wanted nothing to do with me. Would still step onto my hand but was quick to step back on to his perch, and had little patience for our training sessions. He kept telling me he'd had enough by biting me until I'd take my hand out of his abode. I'll respect his space, hoping that it's just an off day for him and that I haven't done anything to spook him. :confused: He seemed to have a good day otherwise, was very vocal.

EDIT: BUT he is venturing closer to the open cage door, so I guess I can't complain too much? haha
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Dont be discouraged though. Its hormonal season for them so bi polar is normal lol. You did the right thing not making her do anything if she didnt want too. Xander was calm before i left today so will see how he is when i get home. Keep going :) your being a good parront x
Thank you both! And thank you all for the kind words and encouragement. This is such a lovely community of people.

Yes, I think it must be hormones (although you can tell he's still a baby. Still so clumsy.)

These pictures are getting a bit monotonous as I've nothing very interesting to post, but he nearly burst my eardrums today with that lovebird screech. A loud bird is a happy bird at least x

Still wants nothing to do with millet in my hands, but as I was sitting here beside him studying for my exams he caught me off guard and launched himself out of his cage and onto the floor. He happily stepped up on to my hands, though, and even spent a few moments sitting on my arm. I thought he'd never come out, haha! Maybe this wasn't voluntary and something spooked him, but progress is progress. He even spent a minute on the perch on his door. Gaining confidence, slowly! At least I know he's not scared of me. That's the main thing. I reckon if I'd have done something wrong to break his trust he wouldn't be as calm as he is when he's on me.

His eyes look so dark. Great contrast. Such a striking, striking bird.
His eyes look so dark. Great contrast. Such a striking, striking bird.

You're right about his eyes Ms Gail...kind of reminds me of a 'too :)

We love the pictures and seing you progress :) even the smllest thing is a huge deal. Keep doing what your doing and one day will Obie will suprise you. You will see x
I hope so! Fingers crossed it's soon x

We're at a bit of a plateau, it seems. He hasn't been as eager to hop on to my hand as of late, maybe because he's more comfortable in his cage and is playing with all of his toys. He is hopping out for millet onto the perch on his open door, though, so that's good. I just hope we haven't gone backwards! I can't wait for him to progress to a lovely little companion bird.
A new update!

Instead of putting my hand in his cage I've set up perches on the outside of his cage and left the door open. He'll often come out to eat millet, or even to just sit and preen and play with toys.

I asked him to step up twice today while he was out, being persistent through some nasty nips, and got him on to my hand. He wasn't too pleased about it and hopped back onto his perches soon after- he's not scared of me but doesn't quite trust me yet- but at least he's becoming more comfortable outside! Yay!

Unrelated pictures of him being a weirdo with his favourite toy. He gave me a laugh today.

EDIT: I spoke too soon! After I typed this I coaxed him on to my finger with some millet. Within 2 or 3 tries he realized he could only get to the millet by stepping up, and now this our new routine. Smart little bird!




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Awsome. Offering treats to step up is the best way to get them on your hand and then they kinda forget they are scared of your hand coz they are occupied with treats and will just start trusting your hands. Make him earn them, repetition, repetition, success. Love the pics, Obie is a good looking dude x
You were 100% right when you said he'd surprise me, Carl_Power. I don't know what happened, but something clicked in him today, and he's not challenging me nearly as much when I go to ask him to step up. He ACTUALLY ASKED to be on me (he's never wanted to before!) when he knows I don't have a millet spray, even hopping on to my hand a few times before I could get it to him. He's still a nippy baby, but I am so pleased. :heart: This is such a drastic change from even yesterday, when he'd get nervous if I brought him too close. I don't know what happened.

Here are a few of him exploring on my legs. He's quite a little character, and I'm so excited that he's finally showing interest in being with me!!

Don't mind the millet husks on my legs. My room is covered with them at this point. lol


Haven't been active in a while, as it's been busy with finals, but figured I'd give a quick update:

he's comfortable now and his personality's come out. He's a very independent little guy and not a cuddler at all (hoping that will change as he ages!) and is equally happy on me or in his cage. He can be a little terror at times, lol. He catches on quickly though; I taught him to give kisses in about 2 minutes yesterday. I feel bad leaving for 2 weeks soon, but he'll be with a parrot-friendly buddy of mine. I hope the travelling doesnt stress him out.

A professional photographer friend of mine got this beautiful shot of him the other day.

That *is* a beautiful shot! Remember to talk to him about your upcoming trip, how long you’ll be gone, who’s taking care of him. And if possible, Skype/FaceTime/whatever while your gone.

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I will be sure to do that! Originally I was planning on getting a bird after my trip for this reason- to minimize stress- but I saw him and I knew he had to be mine. He’ll get lots of attention while I’m gone. :heart:
Wow, its awsome to see your big progress :) Well done. Its a nice feeling isnt it when they want to be on you and get more trusting of you. Xander isnt a cuddle bird either but he will accept scritches. I had to teach him it was a nice thing. Obi might just need to be shown too. Im really happy for you and seing your hard work pay off x
I agree! You're making great progress with him..Isn't it wonderful when they put a big :D on your face when things start to go right?
And YESSSSSSS he is a very handsome little boy!
Keep us updated and more pictures...we never tire of pictures!


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