The caique is here!

Awesome. Pickles is lucky to be with you, JT. He looks like he is definitely enjoying himself in the pictures.
Thanks everyone! he is sitting on my curtain rod atm looking out the window whistling;).

parrotdise pickels was attacked by a cockatoo in a previous home and his beak was dented so to allow it to be "normal" they let it grow which really didnt need to happen. so it isnt a case of growing fast they just didnt groom him...
Hows pickles doing ? Im watching Greta and Sammy right now . Thinking how I love how self entertained they are :)
Pickles is doing great I took him out to an outreach today and he loved it:). He got kinda nasty towards one person but listened when I said stop and responded to my actions towards making sure the person did not get hurt. I have a picture I'll be uploading ASAP of him on top of this glass show case by the rescues banner:p. he was our little mascot today. And yea pickles does some halirious stuff, but is not so great at self entertainment currently because he wasn't offered toys much:(
Ok I keep hearing the pictures are coming????:)
Well pi ky there are some on page 2, I need to upload more recent with him enjoying time out, but look back a page;)
Definitely a very handsome gentleman! Love the photos--many thanks!
Thanks a lot, lol they do look like gentle men in tuxedos to me with there little white vests:p.
Thanks a lot, lol they do look like gentle men in tuxedos to me with there little white vests:p.

Uh oh. Eliza was reading over my shoulder as I read your post.

Hmmm...I wonder what sort of behavioral issues I'm going to have to deal with over the next few days?

Haha jealiousy will strike you back;), or I mean she could admire the male pickles and have a crush on him lol!

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