The Bubble Budgies!


Active member
Mar 22, 2022
Panama City, Florida
Blue American Budgie - Female (Bluberry)
Blue Australian Budgie - Male (Mr. Squiggles)
Blue English Budgie - Male (Hendrix)
We are going to dive into the Bubble Budgies here! This is the flock thread.


Name: Olive (Olivia or Oliver)
Age: 4 months
Sex: Female (?)
Info: Not much known yet. Sheā€™s friendly and curious. She likes to shred šŸ˜Ž


Name: Rosie
Age: 1 year-ish
Sex: female
Info: Got from an elderly man who had too many birbs. she is completely wild.. doesnā€™t know how to fly.. the least bit..


Name: Hendrix
Age: 1.5 years
Sex: male
Info: English budgie. He is losing feathers due to inbreeding.. Vet says he will be a naked birby soon..


Name: Mr. Squiggles
Age: 3 years
Sex: Male
Info: Friendly, heā€™s a very interesting, intelligent being šŸ˜‚


Name: Bluberry
Age: unknown..
Sex: female
Info: I found her in my backyard. i will never forget saturday, june 21st 7:46PM, 2021. God practically handed you to me. If it werenā€™t for you, we would not have done all the good we have so far. I miss you, Fly high in glory baby blu.


We currently live in this cage, yes iā€™m aware of the breeding box.. iā€™m not a noob. we are just currently using their cage to separate our foster IRNs because they were fighting. As soon as they get adopted out, we will move them back.
We are going to dive into the Bubble Budgies here! This is the flock thread.

View attachment 56200
Name: Olive (Olivia or Oliver)
Age: 4 months
Sex: Female (?)
Info: Not much known yet. Sheā€™s friendly and curious. She likes to shred šŸ˜Ž

View attachment 56201
Name: Rosie
Age: 1 year-ish
Sex: female
Info: Got from an elderly man who had too many birbs. she is completely wild.. doesnā€™t know how to fly.. the least bit..

View attachment 56202
Name: Hendrix
Age: 1.5 years
Sex: male
Info: English budgie. He is losing feathers due to inbreeding.. Vet says he will be a naked birby soon..

View attachment 56203
Name: Mr. Squiggles
Age: 3 years
Sex: Male
Info: Friendly, heā€™s a very interesting, intelligent being šŸ˜‚

View attachment 56204
Name: Bluberry
Age: unknown..
Sex: female
Info: I found her in my backyard. i will never forget saturday, june 21st 7:46PM, 2021. God practically handed you to me. If it werenā€™t for you, we would not have done all the good we have so far. I miss you, Fly high in glory baby blu.

View attachment 56205
We currently live in this cage, yes iā€™m aware of the breeding box.. iā€™m not a noob. we are just currently using their cage to separate our foster IRNs because they were fighting. As soon as they get adopted out, we will move them back.
You have a beautiful bunch of budgies!
Woah, olive can shred? I had no idea that a bird could even shred on guitar! Is she in a band, by any chance?
She is actually! We play my electric guitar all the time, she helps in church band practice!
Ahh what a beautiful flock of budgies. I love them. Sorry to hear about Hendrix loosing feathers I hope the vet is wrong about him becoming naked
Hendrix is already balding completely (down feathers included) near his feet and bottom, under his wings and other places. I thought he had mites but they said no. Iā€™m still going to treat him .
All my parrots over the years have loved music (almost a prerequisite for living in our house). WHile not a 'shredder' on an instrument, Salty loves to sing with any live instrument playing. His favorite is the banjo for some reason. A few notes and he is off to the races!.

Your flock is really nice looking - 'keets are so colorful!

olivia enjoying houseguest.. Mr. Squiggles was out until he began flying around uncontrollably šŸ˜‚. He wouldnā€™t recall, so he had to go back up. I had to sadly clip the tame birds for the holiday season.. I canā€™t risk them flying away.. so many people come over
Since my last post on this thread, Rose and Hendrix have passed. I am worried that it was illness, so i am taking my other birds to the vet. They should not die that young (3 1/2).

I love you babies. šŸ‘¼


we are definitely going for a rehome at this point in time if anyone in interested in PMing me. Both are tame.

This is the current cageā€¦ ik itā€™s a little boring and dirty..unfortunately i took the pic right before i cleaned it. i need to find the best setup, but we moved cages just in case it was the cage that was making them pass (all 3 of them died in that cage, and i know all 3 did not die of natural causes that close together).

They both weighed 33g today after their morning poo (a little underweight for Livy, but right on spot for Mr. Squiggs). they are currently preening.


Livy girl preening..


Mr. Squiggles showing off under his wings for the camera šŸ˜‰

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