The Best News in the World!

That's great news for you!! I know so many people with parrots and kids who were the bird's primary caretaker, and they were fine. Try not to let yourself worry (there are so many things women will obsess about while pregnant--flu season, pets, foods, etc) but most of the time a healthy pregnancy is pretty strong. :) wishing you good health, no morning sickness, and a fun pregnancy.
Congrats!!!! As long as you wash your hands in between, I don't think it would cause a problem. :)
Make sure you get the nesting box all set up. And be careful if you'll be hand feeding. ;)
It is just a hygiene issue I think. S as long as you wash your hands and maybe get someone else to clean the cages (good excuse anyway! ;))
Awww congratulations! Im so happy for you! :D

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