Hey everyone,
Continuing my research for a green cheek, and I've got yet another question lol It's to do with Teflon/non-stick cookware.
Every parrot owner I've talked or read about says this is a literal death sentence for a parrot, especially smaller parrots like conures, is this true? I know the fumes are pretty dangerous but how potent is it?
Also, my kitchen is downstairs and where I would theoretically be placing the cage is upstairs, is it still dangerous? There isn't much air exchange between them and the stove has one of those fan things that sucks up smoke and such.
If it's very likely to kill the bird i'll have to convince my parents to covert to non-Teflon pans or wait until I move out.

Continuing my research for a green cheek, and I've got yet another question lol It's to do with Teflon/non-stick cookware.
Every parrot owner I've talked or read about says this is a literal death sentence for a parrot, especially smaller parrots like conures, is this true? I know the fumes are pretty dangerous but how potent is it?
Also, my kitchen is downstairs and where I would theoretically be placing the cage is upstairs, is it still dangerous? There isn't much air exchange between them and the stove has one of those fan things that sucks up smoke and such.
If it's very likely to kill the bird i'll have to convince my parents to covert to non-Teflon pans or wait until I move out.