Teaching to talk


May 30, 2013
Nottingham uk
2 tiels,
molly~1 year old
tinker bell~3 year old
Hi i have and nearly one year old female cockatiel called molly:grey: i was just wondering if she would ever talk i know most female bird don't talk but she might learn.The problem i have with molly is that she will stay still for about one second then fly away,so its hard to teach her anything she is hand tame but she won't stay still!
ever since we got her every time she stretch's her wings we say ''eagle''
she flys round the room lands then flaps and put her wings up and we say ''eagle'' but she still don't say it or do it on command it been a year and she still hasn't done anything. Every night i say ''good night i love you'' and every morning i say ''good morning MOLLY!!!!'' or ''hello birdies'' i also always say ''pretty girl'' and ''good flying'' and whistle but she has never whistled talked or sang she has also never danced.
will she ever be trainable! :confused::grey:
It's wiser to start with one phrase at a time, just to avoid the terms getting mixed up by their little brains . Tiels aren't really known for talking , but there's a chance they might. The words might come out wierd though, but just wait and watch. Keep repeating the phrase over and over, and over again. When you see the pupils dilating and if the tiel looks like its concentrating at your mouth , it means it's trying to mimic. Though don't be frustrated if it doesnt learn, tiels are good whistlers !
I have tried for 2 years to get my 'tiel to raise her wings when I say "Angel Wings", with no success. My recently passed albino 'tiel, Angel, learned to do it relatively easily. Some do, some don't. Same with talking. Angel spoke a few phrases in a tiny squeaky voice, Beasley won't. Angel was male, Beasley is female. That may have something to do with it. I don't really care, I love her so much that all she has to do is be herself.

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