I have always kept my eye out for an eclectus parrot, but they are not bred by many people in my area and are very expensive. Other expenses always seemed to come up so I have never gotten around to buying one.
Recently I noticed a few old breeder females for sale (by "old", I mean only between 7 and 13 years, so not that old really). These birds are not tame. How difficult is it, really, to tame a "wild" eclectus? Would it be too traumatic for them entirely? The two girls I have seen for sale were simply not interested in breeding or in the male they were with.
Recently I noticed a few old breeder females for sale (by "old", I mean only between 7 and 13 years, so not that old really). These birds are not tame. How difficult is it, really, to tame a "wild" eclectus? Would it be too traumatic for them entirely? The two girls I have seen for sale were simply not interested in breeding or in the male they were with.