Tales from the Birdman

Saturday AM
After such a fun time Thursday night at One Spark, I got all my work around the house done, took a nice afternoon nap and was ready to go again last night with the birds. I went back to the same place at 6:15 and mobs of people filled the area with Friday Night Fever. Kayko was averaging three intoductions a minute for four hours as he calmly walked from arm to arm. Behind me three different bands played for the four hours I was there, the first of which was a tremendous steel drum band playing music like Trinidad and Tobago. The tropical accompaniment added to the experience as hundreds got to go one on one with the macaws. Kayko probably walked a mile stepping up. One lady identified herself as a vet tech had no fear of my Scarlet Clifford and asked to attempt to hold him. To my shock he never attempted to bite her, which is only the third time in 10 years he has been on anyone else's arm. Clifford would bite everyone while Kayko would bite no one. I guess there may be hope for him after all! All my bags of bird feathers have been handed out to the children and it thrilled me that there were so many more children to share this experience this time. Grateful parents even gave me $7. in tips. Now with the weekend in full swing and the weather fully co-operating, I will try even again this afternoon. Now if I can remember to take my camera.
Kayko is my 'special needs bird' as he is a little goofy and slow. I tell people he rode the short bus to school. He does this thing with his flip-top head of putting his head all the way back and looking at you upside down. It is so predictable that I tell him not to put his head back and make any more 'Stevie Wonder pictures' and then he does bringing laughs from the people. This exposes his throat that people would not normally see. Kayko's beak is overgrown and crooked as he had a liver problem at one time. One of his tailfeathers grows in upside down. He is a mess, but he is good company for Clifford and we all love him.
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