Switching my bird over to pellets


Aug 15, 2023
green cheeked conure

RoudyBush Daily Maintenance Bird Food is that a good pellet to start on?ā€‹

Sorry, I just became a Mommy of one year old Leo. He is a green cheek canard and I donā€™t wanna do it anything without help or recommendations because I know some of you have had birds longer than I have

RoudyBush Daily Maintenance Bird Food is that a good pellet to start on?ā€‹

Sorry, I just became a Mommy of one year old Leo. He is a green cheek canard and I donā€™t wanna do it anything without help or recommendations because I know some of you have had birds longer than I have
Welcome! Iā€™m Michelle, Lala to my grandkids and my menagerie of grand birds, cats and dogs. Iā€™m new here too. I have a very nervous and untamed Green Indian Ringneck. He is only 18 months old.

I havenā€™t had much experience with the different pellets but my daughter feeds all of her birds Harrisons. She has two green cheeks, a Timneh African Grey and a spoiled rotten Umbrella Cockatoo named Geordi. Iā€™ll be posting some of his antics if itā€™s allowed. šŸ˜‚ They have all improved greatly since she got them and started feeding them the Harrisons.

Itā€™s inspiring to meet others that truly care about their birds instead of just sticking them in a cage to look at. ā˜ŗļø

Good luck and you are going to love your little clowns! The green cheeks love attention and will quickly figure out what it takes to get their favorite treat.


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