Superb parrot throwing up


New member
Jul 10, 2024
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Cockatiels, amazons, Senegal parrot, aratinga, budgies, kakariki, Superb parrot
about 30 minutes ago my Superb parrot threw up. Heā€™s about 2.5 months old. Heā€™s still eating some baby formula for the night. But eating on his own. But to the pointā€¦
I have him with other babies in a ā€œfeedingā€ cage. I keep there babies that I hand feed. So as I was reaching for cockatiels I noticed that he was throwing up. I seperated him from others. Heā€™s now in his own cage and eating millet. Looks fine to me. Just kinda ā€œwhat just happened?ā€, freaked out. Heā€™s reacting to my voice or my hand. Heā€™s not ā€œpuffedā€ or anything. Seems just fine to me. Iā€™m watching him as I write this.
His crop seems fine to me. A little bit of food. Cause heā€™s eating.
I thought maybe it was regurgitation (hope I wrote that right). But can such a young bird do that? He was bopping his head up and down.
Now itā€™s about 40 minutes and heā€™s still eating and exploring new cage.
Iā€™m concerned because tomorrow his brotherā€™s new owners come. So Iā€™m worried it might be sickness.
But the question isā€¦ if it was once is it okay? Or could it be regurgitation?
Other birds in that cage are doing great. Digesting properlyā€¦
Thanks for any answers


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Also sorry for my englishā€¦
Also no smell from his mouth
So itā€™s been around two hours and he ate and now heā€™s sleepingā€¦ so I guess itā€™s fine?
Generally regurgitation is accompanied by that head-bobbing motion that you observed, whereas when they vomit they'll fling their head quite violently from side to side to get that stuff as far away from them as they can, and they usually end up with vomit on their feathers. Perhaps your little one just got something stuck in his throat that he was trying to clear?
Generally regurgitation is accompanied by that head-bobbing motion that you observed, whereas when they vomit they'll fling their head quite violently from side to side to get that stuff as far away from them as they can, and they usually end up with vomit on their feathers. Perhaps your little one just got something stuck in his throat that he was trying to clear?
Thank you so much! It was a few hours ago. Heā€™s doing just fine. I think. Eating. Now sleeping. We have night here :) no throwing up since the first time

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