Sun Conure too loud for a townhome?


New member
Nov 26, 2021
African Grey
I'm looking at a Sun Conure that may or may not be available still. According to the shop's FB page, it is. Stunning bird. Too loud for a townhome with thinner walls? I read they can be loud.

Just lost an African Grey. Would love another.
Hi there, and welcome. Sun conures, and jenday conures can be very loud. I myself would not recommend them for an apartment, townhome, and any type of housing that is shared with others. Unless you know for a fact that your neighbors would be fine with the noise. Someone else with experience with other types of conures would have to chime in as I don't have any experience with the others like the green cheek.
Sun Conure to be in a townhome that has thinner walls could pose a big problem. I had a ringneck which are as loud as sun conures (suns are maybe louder), and truth be told, they are LOUD when they flockcall. I could hear my parrot shouting from the building entrance, and the bird was on 5th floor, windows closed. That is how loud that bird was. I cannot imagine having such a loud bird where I live now, my neighbours would for sure complain.

While I do agree that suns are stunning, and truth be told I really wanted one so bad few years back until I learned how truly loud they are. While a happy well behaved bird won't shout often, there is no guarantee to it. Personally, if I were in your shoes, I'd pass on this one, I know I did.

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