Sun Conure sneezing?


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Jun 13, 2022
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Sun Conure
Hi, I just rescued a Sun Conure on Sunday and I'm finding she is sneezing a bit more than I think is normal. Anyone have insight as to what might be causing this? It's very warm here and the room I'm in doesn't have AC but just a ceiling fan and floor fan but it's not blowing directly on her.
Hey there and welcome to the forums!

I’m sorry to hear about your sun conure. Sneezing can be a sign of an upper respiratory infection, rhinoliths, allergies, and a whole host of other things. Is there any discharge? Visible discharge would be a very concerning sign. Are you able to bring her to a Certified Avian vet? We now have a thread that has a directory of CAV around the world!

Do you have a hygrometer (a device that measures the room’s humidity)? Parrots do best at around 45-50% humidity (much higher and you run the risk of mold). Dry air can also cause upper respiratory irritation. More frequent mist-baths, and a humidifier, can help with that. If you don’t have access to a humidifier you can run your shower (turn your bathroom vent off so it gets steamy!) and bring her in there for 10-15 minutes.

Even if you do find it to be that the air in the room is dry, I strongly encourage you to consider establishing a relationship with a CAV, and bringing your new feathered friend for a New Bird Examination. They can perform a physical exam (including weighing) to establish their visual health, and also offer additional services like bloodwork & cultures that can help determine if there is anything more going on.

Parrots, like many prey animals, will hide illness until it is serious. I know a CAV visit is expensive, but having a good relationship with a veterinarian experienced in avian care is an invaluable resource in the care of these exotic pets!
Um....sometimes birds sneeze. if it's just once in a while I wouldn't worry. If it's a lot then get to an AVN. Try another room? Also do you smoke or burn incense or live in a highly air polluted city? That can also cause it.

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