Sugar upside down on sisters head for contest!!!!!


New member
Jan 4, 2012
USA Georgia
Sugar the Blue Crown Conure♂, Merlin the Camelot Macaw♂
Here is Sugar my amazing BCC on my little sisters head upside down!!!!

Do me a favor and click this link and LIKE the pic for the contest please!!!!
Awesome picture! Liked and shared:) Good luck!
WOW! Awesome!!!
done!....awesome photo Marcia
That is hilarious and adorable! The look on your sister's face is priceless!
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thank you yes Sugar is the most laid back bird ever he trusts me to do pretty much anything with him now!! My sister took some convincing though lol :)
That is so cool! Thanks for sharing it!
That is a neat trick! I actually tried to do this with my sun after I saw your photo. He'd stay on his back but won't let go of my finger lol.
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getting them to do it in your hand is how I started and then just wiggle one of his legs loose and let him hold on with just one leg and then when he's ok with that wiggle your finger away from both legs. I wanna see a pic of your boy doing it!!

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