Well-known member
- Sep 18, 2013
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- Parrots
- Presently have six Greenwing Macaw (17 yo), Red Fronted Macaw (12 yo), Red Lored Amazon (17 y.o.), Lilac Crowned Amazon (about 43 y.o.) and a Congo African Grey (11 y.o.)
Panama Amazon (1 Y.O.)
It's taken me quite awhile to get over the caregiver killing my flock. I was very broken psychologically by that...
Then I had a little mishap with a ladder... and was actually physically broken for awhile. Fractured shoulder, 5 fractured vertebra, 8 fractured ribs, closed head injury... So it's been a rough go. But I'm back.
Those of you who know me, knew I couldn't be "without bird" for very long... they've been such a big part of my live for over a quarter of a century.
A few weeks after my birds died I took in an 11 year old Goffin's 2... we are the third home for that bird. She's very sweet, but he had zero training until I got him. Training her gave me something to focus on other than my grief. I named her SUGAR. She's never been clipped so I harness trained and recalled her instead.
Sarah forced me to go to a parrot rescue/bird shop in the Houston area, thinking it would make me feel better. (It didn't really. Kinda made it worse.) This place takes in rescue/rehomes, and also sells babies. I absolutely fell in love with a Golden Conure... that is one of the largest personality birds I've ever come across... even though she's a total PIA... (VERY SMART, HYPERACTIVE, JEALOUS AS HELL, AND REFUSES TO ACCEPT BOUNDARIES!) She's as sweet as they get, a total love, and a total PIA rolled into one. She will eventually settle down, and be a great bird, but boundary setting has been a challenge with this one... Her name is Mango. He didn't have to be recalled. He is made of velcro.
The house was still very empty without an Amazon in it. So I gave myself a Christmas present. A beautiful BFA which I named Pecker II, after one of the most bonded amazons I ever had... He has the best personality, and is absolutely THE PERFECT amazon... Plays nice with others, entertains himself well, just an absolute love... And he eats what ever you put in front of him. Oddly enough, this bird hatched the day that woman killed my flock.
Then, a few weeks ago, an attorney friend of mine gave me a 9 year old male Eckie... Now, Eckie's are not exactly known to be touchie feelie birds... THIS ONE IS! In fact he has clingy bird syndrome. He is completely velcroed to me. Has been from the minute I opened the travel cage. He had a female, but unfortunately she died from a seizure disorder... and he just wasn't happy. So he called me up and asked me to take him... Looking for a female eckie for him around the same age... not that I want to mate them, but he has never been without a mate. I think he would be happier if I found him a woman... I don't get two steps in the door before this one and Mango, my golden conure fly to me. They are both velcro birds. Unfortunately they also have a jealousy/sibling rivalry thing going on. So this is going to take time.... Neither bird is big on "taking turns."
Needless to say, I've converted all my birds to chop in their treat cup, since I have to cook for him, I might as well get them all converted. It's healthier for them.
It appears that we have reached a tentative agreement to settle the lawsuit. This being Texas, you can only recover "replacement value" for the death of a pet. It appears that I will be getting two new macaws here shortly, both about a year old. (A male greenwing, and a female Shamrock.) Just waiting for the check to clear. And I'm finally going to put up an outdoor flight in my back yard.
I don't know why but I couldn't post pics...
Then I had a little mishap with a ladder... and was actually physically broken for awhile. Fractured shoulder, 5 fractured vertebra, 8 fractured ribs, closed head injury... So it's been a rough go. But I'm back.
Those of you who know me, knew I couldn't be "without bird" for very long... they've been such a big part of my live for over a quarter of a century.
A few weeks after my birds died I took in an 11 year old Goffin's 2... we are the third home for that bird. She's very sweet, but he had zero training until I got him. Training her gave me something to focus on other than my grief. I named her SUGAR. She's never been clipped so I harness trained and recalled her instead.
Sarah forced me to go to a parrot rescue/bird shop in the Houston area, thinking it would make me feel better. (It didn't really. Kinda made it worse.) This place takes in rescue/rehomes, and also sells babies. I absolutely fell in love with a Golden Conure... that is one of the largest personality birds I've ever come across... even though she's a total PIA... (VERY SMART, HYPERACTIVE, JEALOUS AS HELL, AND REFUSES TO ACCEPT BOUNDARIES!) She's as sweet as they get, a total love, and a total PIA rolled into one. She will eventually settle down, and be a great bird, but boundary setting has been a challenge with this one... Her name is Mango. He didn't have to be recalled. He is made of velcro.
The house was still very empty without an Amazon in it. So I gave myself a Christmas present. A beautiful BFA which I named Pecker II, after one of the most bonded amazons I ever had... He has the best personality, and is absolutely THE PERFECT amazon... Plays nice with others, entertains himself well, just an absolute love... And he eats what ever you put in front of him. Oddly enough, this bird hatched the day that woman killed my flock.
Then, a few weeks ago, an attorney friend of mine gave me a 9 year old male Eckie... Now, Eckie's are not exactly known to be touchie feelie birds... THIS ONE IS! In fact he has clingy bird syndrome. He is completely velcroed to me. Has been from the minute I opened the travel cage. He had a female, but unfortunately she died from a seizure disorder... and he just wasn't happy. So he called me up and asked me to take him... Looking for a female eckie for him around the same age... not that I want to mate them, but he has never been without a mate. I think he would be happier if I found him a woman... I don't get two steps in the door before this one and Mango, my golden conure fly to me. They are both velcro birds. Unfortunately they also have a jealousy/sibling rivalry thing going on. So this is going to take time.... Neither bird is big on "taking turns."
Needless to say, I've converted all my birds to chop in their treat cup, since I have to cook for him, I might as well get them all converted. It's healthier for them.
It appears that we have reached a tentative agreement to settle the lawsuit. This being Texas, you can only recover "replacement value" for the death of a pet. It appears that I will be getting two new macaws here shortly, both about a year old. (A male greenwing, and a female Shamrock.) Just waiting for the check to clear. And I'm finally going to put up an outdoor flight in my back yard.
I don't know why but I couldn't post pics...