strategies to deal with hours of contact calling from an Amazon?


New member
Jun 18, 2023
Lilac Crowned Amazon
Hey there! My amazon parrot is normally pretty quiet. he chatters to himself occasionally and might have an outburst here and there, but usually, he's a great apartment bird and has been for the 20+ years I've had him. The one thing that gets him going is whistling. If someone is whistling, he starts screeching and/or contact calling.

Here is the problem. Last week, a bird cage appeared on the front porch of my neighbor across the alley. Every afternoon, he puts his two Amazons in the bird cage and from roughly 3 pm to 8 pm they whistle and talk. The neighbor also comes out, sits on his porch, and whistles. It makes my bird INSANE. yesterday he was screeching and contact calling for six hours and I was going to lose it. The contact calling has just started and I am anticipating four more hours of it.

To be clear: the neighbor has the right to use his porch the way he wants to. He can sit on it, whistle, sing, whatever. I understand that it is HIS porch and it is MY problem. So I'm trying to figure out what to do.

There is nowhere in the house where my bird can't hear his birds. White noise? Music? Static? Any suggestions that won't harm my bird or his birds are welcome.

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