Strangest parrot dream


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Oct 23, 2015
Reaction score
1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels
I just have to write it down or it will evaporate.
I had a dream I was trying to walk to the mall.
during the trip I ended up in a maze of small streets and culdasacks .
I started cutting through yards and even walking through houses to get to a main thoroughfare.
Eventually I entered a house where the people were present and they had parrots.
First it was a couple of budgies . They sat on my finger and were very friendly.
I asked if they had any bigger birds and they started bringing out larger birds.
They were all friendly with me including a macaw, I cant recall the species.
I tried to show the people in the house pictures of my flock on my phone.
No matter how I treat I couldn’t bring up pictures to share.
Then I woke up.
A happy dream if all of the birds were friendly and liked you! But… I hate dreams where I can’t get my phone to work 🤦‍♀️.
Yup a very happy dream. Sadly when I have dreams like that, I've over slept. Her royal feathered highness is having a tantrum. Her chop will be late! And ugh...she'll have to eat a few pellets till it arrives!
I frequently have recurring dreams that I'm in several apartments with multiple birds, pet mice, and pet rats. There are fewer rats and mice (they've usually died) but more cockatiels lately in these dreams. I bring my birds from one apartment to another, and I can't find Redshift. Oh God, that turns into a nightmare then. There are a lot of worries in those dreams! I have so many birds, but no one understands that I don't have as many as I have. It's like I forget I only have 3 birds in reality and not 13. Oy.
I have a recurring nightmare about parrots, I've had it 3-4 times. In it, I have parrots in cages all over the house, literally. And not housed so great with too many birds in one cage. In the dream, I dont recall feeding any of them and they start to get sick and die. And when I start searching for Salty, I can't find him in any of the cages. Its a true nightmare. Last times when I woke up, I got up and checked on Salty, woke him up and all, to make sure he was OK. I Fuqing hate this dream! I haven't had it in a while, which means that I will probably dream it again tonight. Ugh.
That's a really sh**y anxiety dream! I've had similar dreams and they're so upsetting!
Me too cages to full of too many parrots.
Not recently fed or cleaned.
Must be related to the psychology and mindset of those attracted to birds and bird keeping

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