When I was a little kid, my grandma had a budgie that came from a pet store and wasn't very happy being handled. To my little kid brain he was basically a goldfish, but without the water. My dad had an Amazon, who was my responsibility to feed and play with. I was only 8 or so though, so I didn't really know much about what I was supposed to do. I only lived with my dad part time (divorced parents). We fed him good food, cooked brown rice, pellets and mixed veggies. He didn't get a lot of handling though because:
- I was the only one that handled him
- I was only there half the year
- I was 8 years old and Pickles was very big compared to tiny little me. Bites hurt. A lot.
I loved to play with him and carry him around on his perch when he was in a good mood, and I liked to talk to him, but that's about all I knew of bird care. I wish I could go back in time and change so much...
That's more experience with birds then most people and still, I never thought birds were affectionate, loving, cuddly, or sweet. Birds were pretty, interesting, and maybe fun to talk to and look at.
I'm SO glad I did a lot of reading and learning before I got my Yoda, and I LOVE reading posts on these forums from other potential Parronts looking for information. I feel like I've learned a truly precious and amazing secret, with this new discovery of how wonderful a parrot can be as a companion. We are SO lucky to have this amazing little feathered family member to trusts us, loves us, stays with us, and brings so much joy to our lives!
I wish this weren't such uncommon knowledge, I wish the pet stores gave better information about parrots than they do now. I wish nobody anywhere thought of ANY parrots as 'starter' birds, or worse yet as 'throw away' birds. That just breaks my heart. Not that I am criticizing anyone, I am in fact criticizing MYSELF for ever thinking the same. Budgies and tiels are smaller, gentler, quieter, more widely available and less expensive. Less effort is required to buy one and keep it alive, so many people don't value them as much as they should. Obviously if you are paying $5,000 for a Macaw and $1000 for it's cage, you are FAR more likely to value it and put more effort into caring for it and learning about it. But a $5 bird from Petco, along with a $20 plastic cage and $5 bag of seed... that's the same price as a trip to the movie theater. Is it any wonder that people get them for their 8 year old kids and don't lose any sleep over it if they poor thing doesn't last long?
Sorry... I'm just ranting and rambling now. I guess all I am trying to say is that I understand how and why people would think of some birds as 'starter' birds, or think of a parrot as basically an interactive decoration for the home. However, that man who offered $500 for Tango has just learned something new about birds, he's just learned that there is more to Tango then just looking pretty in a cage. Maybe he went home and read more and learned more. Maybe not.
But I for one thank YOU and I thank everyone else here, and everyone else who has tried to teach those less informed masses about the joys and complexities of keeping a parrot.
Tango is a lucky bird, and you're lucky to have Tango also.

I hope many many more people see Tango and become inspired to learn about and love these feathered miracles like we do!