Delilah, can I jump for joy and give you a great big hug???? :60:
I'm about a year older than you, I think, and I'm often told I don't know "anything" because of my age... although even as a teenager, I helped adults caring for their birds and they didn't even realize I was younger than they were! I tended to shock people when my birthday came around... When I turned 17, someone even accused me of lying about my age, saying I was embarrassed and told everyone I was younger than I really was.... meanwhile, a mod was saying happy birthday to me!!! LOL (so I've been on both sides of the spectrum over the age thing - if anyone thinks your knowledge is lacking due to age itself)
Back then, I used the old training techniques... now? I promote positive reinforcement training! I don't believe in dominance or alpha! In fact, it infuriates me whenever someone says you have to be the "alpha" or "boss" in the "relationship"... as if birds are our slaves and they *must* do what we tell them to!
I found it amusing once when someone compared owning birds to being in a relationship - i.e. dating another person. Each of you have boundaries and no one likes to be forced to do something they don't want to! But if you make it worth their while, well, the other might reconsider! Going shopping could be dreadful, but maybe it might be fun to get some ice-cream while out? Or go to the movies? Just spending time with each other without demanding one on one attention!
I'm also in a similar situation as you, but with a much smaller [and younger] bird! I've had her for about two months now and she *does not* like hands! Well, more specifically, she does not like stepping up on hands, and if you force the issue, yup, you'll get bitten! I'm not going to be the idiot who stands there and allow her to bite my hand until she stops! That doesn't teach her anything positive and I'll be in a lot of pain! I can't understand why anyone in their right mind would stand there and allow their macaw to bite until they "give up"! It makes no sense to me!
My little girl is also clipped, and I feel horrible doing any kind of training with her because she *IS* clipped. It feels as if its hindering her, not making it easier to work with her. If she does try to fly, she ends up thumping on the ground. Since she's been here for two months now, she's lost her two outer flights and they should be nearly fully grown now (I do worry she'll break them!). She's lost two more, which I expect are the 2nd feathers in from the outside, but she only lost those two last week, so I don't expect to know for sure which feathers those are until they've grown out.
She doesn't like being left behind, but wont step up. She loves scritches, but hates being on hands. She loves kisses and physical interaction but she'll run away 90% of the time when I ask her if she wants up on my shoulder.
If it makes you feel any better, I don't agree with JJones either! His methods can work for him, and we'll use the ones that work for us *AND* our birds!
Other than finding out Erin's reinforcers, I don't think I have any advice for you that you probably don't already know! And congratulations on finally being able to start the training process with her! She's probably a bit slow because she is unaware of it, but I'm sure she'll pick it up quickly once she understands!
And I, too, would love to hear of any training progress with her!!! :emoticonc