Squeal! Baby bird!

Sweepea didn't come home until about mid-October, and she hatched about the same time, so I'm guessing it's going to be mid October.

And consider yourself lucky to have a significant other who actually enjoys and handles the birds. I haven't had that since Rachel died!

I keep getting issued ultimatums to "get rid of them or else..." Prove you love me more than them...

So, You have been blessed, my dear!

I guess it is human nature to complain, thanks for this reminder. I am certainly lucky to have my pet-loving man! Even if he is a bird thief.

I'm sorry you are in the position you are in -- that must be very hard and stressful.

For the most part, I don't stress about it anymore. But I don't really expect to find anything either. Right now, I'm focused on surviving, and getting my daughter through high school.

Rachel was my true love. She's been gone now for about five years. You don't get over it. You just keep going... I've known love. I just wish I knew it longer...

You don't expect the woman you love to just drop dead at age 35!!! I went from planning a wedding to planning a memorial...

So, yeah, definitely, cherish what you have!! That's the life lesson here! Give him a big wet one, out of the blue, for no reason, and tell him you love him...

I have a copy of the eulogy I wrote for her framed on my wall, next to her picture:


You were kindness personified
The animals could sense that in you, and they came to you
even when they wouldn't go to anyone else.
You loved unconditionally, like they do.

It always felt like we were meant to be together,
but somehow life just got in the way.
It always felt like we were meant to be together,
and somehow your death does not change that.

We were planning to start our journey together.
It ended before it really had a chance to begin.
I still have miles to go before I sleep.
My journey continues, but it will be lonelier without you.

One day, I too, will rage against the dying of the light,
And the darkness will come anyway.
When that day finally arrives, with someone like you already there waiting for me,
Entering the darkness and stepping into the light beyond, won't be so bad.

Until then, the poor tortured souls of all those neglected parrots
Finally have someone to love them and to play with them.
It wouldn't be heaven for you without them,
And they already did their time in hell when they were here on earth...

They have you now.
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That is a beautiful eulogy -- she will be waiting for you <3
Sorry. We're coming up on the five year anniversary... so I was in a mood on Sunday. Five years is a long time to go without... especially where every subsequent dating relationship ends with "the ultimatum."
Ohhh myyy god! What a cutie! I love baby macaws so much and how much they love to snuggle! Congratulations on your new baby, keep the pics coming :D
Sorry. We're coming up on the five year anniversary... so I was in a mood on Sunday. Five years is a long time to go without... especially where every subsequent dating relationship ends with "the ultimatum."

You don't have to apologize! This must be a very tough time of year. We're here for you! <3

Ohhh myyy god! What a cutie! I love baby macaws so much and how much they love to snuggle! Congratulations on your new baby, keep the pics coming :D

I am.. dying for it to be Saturday again so I can snuggle more! How is it only Monday???

I bought a new phone today because the camera on my old one was.. old. And I need better baby pics! If I'm not careful, I'm going to spend all my money on bird toys, since I need to keep myself distracted! My ekkie is assisting me in picking them out by eating my monitor.
Sorry. We're coming up on the five year anniversary... so I was in a mood on Sunday. Five years is a long time to go without... especially where every subsequent dating relationship ends with "the ultimatum."

Mark, that really brought tears to my eyes, and I don't cry at every sad thing I read. That is beyond sad, and you are so strong to keep it together and go on. I know you'd say you have no choice, but still some people would fall apart not be able to even be responsible after that. You ARE strong. Just wanted to say that.

Just wondering though, the relationships you've had since, they SAY they're okay with the birds at first then it changes? I'm fortunate to have a man who loves birds too and aspires to have his own one day (not just step-birds lol). When you choose to date again, you need to find a bird-person woman :)

Now, back to the cute baby bird!!! :D
Sorry. We're coming up on the five year anniversary... so I was in a mood on Sunday. Five years is a long time to go without... especially where every subsequent dating relationship ends with "the ultimatum."

Mark, that really brought tears to my eyes, and I don't cry at every sad thing I read. That is beyond sad, and you are so strong to keep it together and go on. I know you'd say you have no choice, but still some people would fall apart not be able to even be responsible after that. You ARE strong. Just wanted to say that.

Just wondering though, the relationships you've had since, they SAY they're okay with the birds at first then it changes? I'm fortunate to have a man who loves birds too and aspires to have his own one day (not just step-birds lol). When you choose to date again, you need to find a bird-person woman :)

Now, back to the cute baby bird!!! :D

I fell apart for about a year after it happened... Took me about another year to get it together and get it back out there again.

Yep... that's exactly what happens. Then you get the ultimatum... If you're lucky you get a few good months, before it starts.

Then you watch someone you used to care about walk out of your life, saying all sorts of nasty stuff that you try to ignore... and remember the good stuff.

Okay. The pity party is over. Nothing more to see here people... move along.
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Husband is not an animal person, he says he is but no he isn't. I showed him the pic of the baby macaw and he oohed and awed and I asked him if he'd like one. NO!!!! Me, I crack up because he's thinking about that beak and the power of the beak, lol. In fact last night he Came to me and showed me where Buddy bit him earlier. Took him four hours to fess up. Buddy broke the skin and it was smarting. He feels left out, he says I have a parade that follows me everywhere, bulldog, pug, pug, and bird, lol. I will add to my flock, I just have to time and prep it right, lol. Keep posting update pics please!
I'm always staggered how people can demand that someone they claim to love part themselves from their pets, bird or not. You take the whole package or not at all. Don't ask someone to leave their babies for you. You'll never win that ultimatum, and if you do, then you've won someone who at the drop of the hat can abandon a creature that they have 'loved' and that has loved them for years. That's not someone I would hitch my wagon to! Commitment is important in all its forms.
bulldog, pug, pug, and bird, lol.

Haha very cute. Pug, pug. :)
Maybe your husband is more an "animal" person than specifically a "bird" person? Just keep showing him the pictures.
My hubby didn't think he was going to be a bird person before we got our daughter's sun conure (our first bird). Didn't even think they were that cute in pictures. After Loki came home, he was hooked. Loki is always all over him -- he likes to sleep on his back rolled against hubby's neck (and it kills me that I can never get a picture because he only does it when the lights are out, and then the flash makes him flip over >.<). He also likes to cling to hubby's chest and try to snake food off his fork on the way to his mouth at dinner time.

Now he's just as hooked as the rest of us and coos and awwws at bird pictures.
My first bird (that was mine, not my parents, not a Lindsay Rehab bird) was a sun conure. That silly bird lived inside my shirt with just his head sticking out for about 12 years.

Conures are just shrunken macaws! They really are...
Hah! That sounds about right. The sun certainly THINKS he is a macaw, and the green cheek is always like this:
Yep! That's the conure spot!
Sooooo flippin' cute! Who wouldn't love that little face?!?
The breeder took some pics on her camera too -- found this one on her site.


Thank goodness it is almost Saturday!!
Oh wow, so beautiful and tiny! Is it October yet?????
Hah! That sounds about right. The sun certainly THINKS he is a macaw, and the green cheek is always like this:

Aww, That's about as Cute as Cute can be LOL !! GREAT pic, Thanks for Sharing!!

The breeder took some pics on her camera too -- found this one on her site.


Thank goodness it is almost Saturday!!

So Sweet !! YEP, almost Saturday !! I'll driving 120 miles each way to visit my baby in DE Saturday Too !!
I can't wait to see your new baby pictures, too! Going to take another video?
I bet you're so excited. My current 3 are re-homes but it's definitely exciting to get to see your own baby grow up every week. :) I love watching all the pictures here in the macaw section haha. It's really great. :o

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