Spoke too soon about Louise


New member
Sep 14, 2015
Well Louis has started laying eggs again. I literally don't know what to do about it. I've done every single thing that the vet said to do plus all the suggestions made by people on the board. I don't have enough room, or money, to buy another large cage for her. I kept them apart for 1 week and during that time Louise barely ate and she was so quiet. The vet said if she continues to lay eggs she will become egg bound and die. I don't know what to do. I'm so upset.:whiteblue::blue2:
I am not familiar with Louise's species and breeding in general, but reviewed your prior posts to gain a basic understanding. It appears the obvious solution of separation is causing Louise extreme discomfort. I assume you have reviewed the excellent advice from SilverSage? Handling Hormones ? Silver Sage Aviaries

Did the vet offer the potential of hormonal therapy? While I cannot vouch for the efficacy of this source, it is an interesting read and may spark a conversation an avian certified vet.
Examine the cage.. do you have a nest box in there? Or any toy, dish, box, or dark hidden corners that can be viewed as a possible nesting site? Without any favorable potential nesting sites, it discourages budgies from laying.

Make sure the birds are getting enough hours of darkness. I know it's not always possible with human schedules, but if you can assure enough darkness, with 12-14 hours best, that can help to throw them out of breeding mode.

Another thing you might want to do is to rearrange the cage. I know it's a pain when you have everything where you and the birds like it, but in this case it can help stop the cycle too. I wish you the best with your birds.
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another trick may be to even move the cage location. Maybe put it without a side to the wall so it's less secluded. May seem less like a nest spot that way. If not she may have to be miserable and away from her friend for a while
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Thank you all for your input. I'm almost afraid to say it but she's only laid one egg in the past 2 weeks....a record. I have done everything mentioned. I have moved their cage to another room, I have changed the feed dishes around, I have taken anything that in the slightest way might encourage breeding which means no boxes, papers to shred, no dark corners. Speaking of darkness, I am trying to give them 12 hours darkness but it's not easy. The cage is in the back of the house but my house has windows and sliding glass doors in almost every room and that lets in light. I cover the window next to the cage and cover their cage with 2 dark sheets. I did speak to an avian vet about hormone therapy but he wasn't all that encouraging. There is another avian vet in the area so I may call him. Thanks again for your concern. Love these little guys.:whiteblue::blue2:
I am so glad you are seeing progress. One day, one week, one month at a time! Let's hope the many changes will produce a lasting solution. Please keep us updated!
I asked my vet if I should worry about egg binding in my lovebird as I was told before I got her that she laid a lot of eggs. My vet seemed unconcerned about it and said it doesn't happen very often. I notice a lot of people on here warn or are warned heavily on egg binding but my avian vet disagrees.

just cause a bird lays eggs it doesn't mean she will bind and die. that's nonsense! as long as she is healthy the only concern I can come up with is that it does take a lot of energy to make eggs.... right? so, if you are unable to stop it, maybe you should focus on setting up her diet to support her egg laying, to make sure she has the resources she needs to maintain healthy nutirents while in her hormonal stages :)

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