spoiled sunny


New member
May 8, 2011
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Edmonton, AB
1 Female Sun Conure (Nemo)
so my new sun conure -- who we ended up naming "Nemo" lol came from a home where she was fed mostly seeds --- she has a mix that her old mom gave me that includes probably 25% sunflower seeds and then 25% other mixed seeds, some zupreem (i think) fruit shaped pellets and then copious numbers of peanuts and chilis and then tropican gold. Needless to say I throw out cupfuls of the seed husks and uneaten pellets --

I picked up the zupreem avian maintenence pellet food, which she is now selecting out of her mix and dropping on the bottom of her cage -- :rolleyes: of course...

I'm wondering what the best way to get her onto a pellet diet SUPPLEMENTED by seeds, fruits and treats instead of what she's eating now which seems to be exclusively seeds.

I added a few of the avian maintenence zupreem today, and should i just keep increasing it til she's on pellets as a staple?


Tina & Nemo:orange:
That's the idea. Some birds transition fast, others can take a month or more. Mine took like 2-3 days. The bird probably won't go hungry if there are pellets available. Just keep monitoring her to make sure she is eating. I've heard stories of birds refusing to eat and starving themselves if they don't like the food, but I think that is rare.

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