Split lower mandible


Active member
Dec 12, 2010
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Jake YNA 1970,Kia Panama amazon1975, both i removed from nest and left siblings, Forever Home to,Stacie (YN hen),Mickie (RLA male),Blinkie (YNA hen),Kong (Panama hen),Rescue Zons;Nitro,Echo,Rocky,Rub
Someone just brought me a 15 yr old DYH that has a split lower beak. I've never seen that before and the first vet i carried him to ,says that it's been that way for a long time (maybe since birth), He eats find (a little over weight) and how he drinks water is beyond me. AV says nothing to be done but i have another AV appt in another city on Monday for a second opinion. Any one familiar with this?
Please keep us undated on what the new vet says.
Yeah that's a monday appt. !st one said not much that can be done ,they could pin it together but it will never grow together. He's healthy and crunching large pellets. I've got him on Tiel size pellets now,but not sure if it;s really an issue.Just bugs me,not him.The previous owners who had him has a chick say he was born with one foot turned backwards and one eye closed, they took him to LSU (!st class vet school) where they fixed his eye and leg, seems they would have fixed his beak too, if it could be done.They never mentioned the beak in my talks with them and when i saw it and asked, their comment was "oh it's alway been like that". Don't think they thought anything was wrong with it.???? Vet did say he was one of the nicest DYHs he'd ever meet, just need to find him a good home.Damn old zons are some tough cookies.
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Wow, I'm impressed with your love of birds. I sure do love the ones I have and can relate but wish I would have started earlier in life to have them be a huge part of my life.
Poor guy :( Do you know if he was ever a breeder? Sometimes with aggressive cockatoos they will have the lower mandible split to keep them from injuring the female. It's such a cruel practice to do that. If it happened to your zon from a injury it must of been terrible, my heart goes out to him.
Poor guy :( Do you know if he was ever a breeder? Sometimes with aggressive cockatoos they will have the lower mandible split to keep them from injuring the female. It's such a cruel practice to do that. If it happened to your zon from a injury it must of been terrible, my heart goes out to him.

omg i so hope this is a hear say thing, but then reading this was like when i realised what pinioned was

hope you find him a forever home henpecked :D and if its not bothering him, he might have had it that long, its just normal for him :11:
No he's never been a breeder,people had him since he was a chick. Also he has way too many genetic defects to be a breeder.
Henpecked, can you post a pic of this little ones beak? I know there are several options available.
Yeah, i'll try, but i'm at my vacation home quarantining hjm and don't have anyone to hold him to get a pic.Should have got one yesterday at the vet's.Tough getting old and forgetful.
I did some a quick web search, there was article that mentioned a repair that was like cosmetic dentistry.

most of what I read said there was little that could be done but the bird would adapt to the situation.

It sounds as if this bird has adapted since it noted to be slightly overweight.

The articles did mention drinking water as being a bit of a challenge.

Good luck and keep us in the loop.

I know of a vet that travels that posted a picture on his web site of an Amazon with the lower beak split (in a BFA). I have never met him - but was given his name by someone at a bird fair. I didn't like the idea of sedating the parrots (they are old, at least over 30 years because of the import band) - so I went local with my doctor choice. You may want to google Scott McDonald DVM. He travels and maybe can provide some idea(s) for you.

Good luck and thanks for rescuing another little guy.
Thanks clueless, yeah i know Scott and have had him at my home. He does most all of my breeder birds ,lapriscopic examines many over 30 yrs old. I emailed him about this bird and he pretty much said the same as the other AV's.PS he's 1st class and does surgery for about 1/2 of what other AVs charge for a consult,of course he does lots of birds at one time.
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