Speech training gone terribly wrong

It's not always about signs and signals though, when you get to know your bird you can sense when things are about to go ape sh$t. You pretty much got yours sussed and know the scenarios that cause the reaction.

what do you think you're reading when you sense things are about to go wrong? The "sense" you describe comes directly from reading their body language, the signs and signals they are giving off. Knowing the scenarios that set them off comes from learning their behavior (understanding their signals) under other similar circumstances. Once you have the birds behaviors down you can begin applying it to new scenarios.
Ok - I putting down to HORMONES because mine is doing it too. AND you do not know that it is coming. He can be sitting on your arm...loving looking at you...turn around...act like he's going to go into this cage and WHAM he bites your arm...or your hand...or in your case a knuckle. He wants to be on me and close to my face...uh NO!! Bangs his beak on the cage once he is inside the cage and makes a sound when he does it. Like a squawk. You can tell he is throwing a tantrum.

I would say it was behavioral IF there was only one male ekkie doing it but mine is doing it too.

As for the talking. After I cover mine for the night he will sometimes talk for two hours. He repeats everything the birds have said all day. But mostly he does some sound that I swear is from some electronic game...like light saber (sp?) sounds.

Birds are so funny.

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