Sour Crop?

Just wanted to show an update that my cockatiel's all grown up now.
Thanks to all of you who helped! She's healthy, good thing I didn't try doing any medications!



Now that last pic has to be the cutesy pic iv EVER seen on here. Omg.
May I copy this pic to my CPU?? If not I understand. I'd love to share it!! That's to adorable!
Congrats on being such a good birdie momma, your babies look fine and healthy.
Hi just a suggestion u might wanna take the tiel baby to see a Avian Vet to be sure it isn't a sour crop. I had tiels in the past who bred and my experience is that the baby birds can go bad fast and you can loose them. Yours looks ok and healthy but you might wanna get a Avian Vet to look at it to be sure and this will give you a chance to ask any questions you might have also. Good luck!

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