SOS! Trade a custom bird portrait for fashion help?

You look really great. It's a very professional look, but there's also something a bit quirky about it. I think it's how your hair is all pulled back and because you have the dark-rimmed glasses.

I'm chuckling a bit at the mention of your height. I'm clueless about whether you feel tall or small! I'm a 6'2" woman from a 5'6" to 5'9" family! No idea where my height came from, but I grew 5 INCHES IN 1 YEAR in hight school!
All I can say is...

I think the Rickeybird himself would agree you are a mighty good-lookin’ young hen, even for a featherless one. You go get ‘em!
I'm the jealous type. He's not getting a look at her, not one!
I often wish I was a bird - no hassle with make-up, my immaculate feathery outfit always perfectly colour-coordinated, no "bad hair days", even feathers to cover up the wrinkles...

I always wanted to wear one of those froufrou dresses covered in marabou or ostrich feather :31:

Now that I have birds, I am a little worried that I'll show up for an interview with a tiny feather sticking out of my hair and that I will remind people of the crazy bus driver lady from South Park.
Kiwi sent an application into Yellow-Nape Law International, Inc. for his Mom to be his Personal Staff Person 'legally.' The picture was attached and the application was approved by Pricilla herself! Pricilla's only question was what area of Law have you studied in and /or have been working in? FYI: If a full size, white SUV shows up at your place with a Yellow-Nape driving, that be Pricilla! So, your Masters Degree is in Law and your PHD is in Wowing!?!?

I have always knew you had it together lady, clearly you have now proven it to yourself!!!

Now from what I have heard, I believe, sir, that she is exceptionally well-versed in Bird Law:

[ame=""]It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - Charlie Kelly, a bird lawyer - YouTube[/ame]
Kiwi sent an application into Yellow-Nape Law International, Inc. for his Mom to be his Personal Staff Person 'legally.' The picture was attached and the application was approved by Pricilla herself! Pricilla's only question was what area of Law have you studied in and /or have been working in? FYI: If a full size, white SUV shows up at your place with a Yellow-Nape driving, that be Pricilla! So, your Masters Degree is in Law and your PHD is in Wowing!?!?

I have always knew you had it together lady, clearly you have now proven it to yourself!!!

Now from what I have heard, I believe, sir, that she is exceptionally well-versed in Bird Law:

Yes, that is a true reality. Kiwi would not have it any other way. In fact likely well schooled in not only Bird Law, but specialized in Amazon Law! :D
Great look! Love the confidence! Go get em! Best luck in your endeavors!!!
Wow! This tread had a lot of replies yesterday! Thank you everyone. Feedback seems overwhelmingly positive too:) I'm still terribly nervous though. Now I know I at least look like I have it together in a photo, we'll see how that holds up in the real world (or online world, lots of angry, unpleasant people on the internet too). Thankfully, I have discovered most of these 'social media' sites it is actually best to use an example of your art as the profile picture, something I have NO issue with lol. Except Linkedin, and this photo will work well enough for that platform, I think since it is a site that requires a professional appearance.

As for being a lawyer for that shameless law breaking green sandwich bandit... Yes judge, the 'honk' and wing flare means he pleads guilty to all charges plus a few you didn't even know about. He's indefensible!:green::p:D
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April, you look amazing! So professional and self assured, I love this look on you.
Judge: "I find the defendant incredibly guilty [bangs gavel]. Baliff, take this bird away in your tiniest handcuffs."

Whoever helped you did a good job; kudos to them, also.

Good luck with your job search. I have no doubt you'll be successful, as image has got to be like 70% o what its made up of, and I think you have nailed it, madam.
Hey, you have been face to face with an angry Amazon! So next time you feel nervous. Let your inner Amazon come to the surface. FYI: Just make sure there is no children around, well at least not close. You got this Lady! Kiwi has taught you well!

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