Somethings wrong


New member
Jan 15, 2024
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40 year old severe mccaw
I have a 40 yo severe macaw
I inherited from my mother
We had her checked out by an aviaon vet perfect health
Weā€™ve had her at home for 6 months About 2 weeks ago she fell off her perch She climbed back up we thought she was ok about 4 days ago she did it again Only this time she didnā€™t clinmb back uo
She walks like she drunk
Eats and drinks like you wouldnā€™t believe Sleeps a lot but sis alert problem is she doesnā€™t move much She uses the restroom and just lays in it
We move her and keep things clean Vet wants $200 just to look at her Another $200 for blood work and on and on
Talked to a couple of breeders that said they have never heard of that but suggested bactrim Sheā€™s no worse but ni better either any suggestion?
Hi and welcome. I am sorry you are joining us under these circumstances. None of us here are Certified Avian Vets and that is what you NEED right now. Not a dog and cat vet for sure. TO me, this sounds more like some kind of neurological event rather then a cold or other. At 40 yrs, this may be the result of a stroke or something that is affecting her motor skills - but PLEASE do not take comments on here as medical advice for your parrot. SHe needs to see a very competent Avian Vet.
I have a 40 yo severe macaw
I inherited from my mother
We had her checked out by an aviaon vet perfect health
Weā€™ve had her at home for 6 months About 2 weeks ago she fell off her perch She climbed back up we thought she was ok about 4 days ago she did it again Only this time she didnā€™t clinmb back uo
She walks like she drunk
Eats and drinks like you wouldnā€™t believe Sleeps a lot but sis alert problem is she doesnā€™t move much She uses the restroom and just lays in it
We move her and keep things clean Vet wants $200 just to look at her Another $200 for blood work and on and on
Talked to a couple of breeders that said they have never heard of that but suggested bactrim Sheā€™s no worse but ni better either any suggestion?
So sorry to hear your Macaw is not doing well. I just had to weigh in on this. My Blue Gold Macaw Scooter at age 30 fell from her perch and Died within minutes..I think she had a heart attack. It was such a loss to our family as I had her 18 of the 30 years. Seems Macaws can have heart attacks at a relatively young age. Had always thought I would go before her. She had no signs of illness what so ever. Please take your Macaw to the Avian Doctor. Something may seriously be wrong. God bless you and your fine feathered friend!

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