something is wrong with my bird. [emergency]

I'm so sorry your parents won't get tests done but lots of good advice given already. Keep a close eye,make sure you are giving the meds. Please keep us posted and don't be afraid to reach out with any questions. Be strong.
Maybe see if you can get a gofundme page started to help pay for vet bills.
Sending you love and feathered hugs
Any update on Yuko's condition? wishing the best
yes! he actually has started chirping again for the first time since friday. it’s refreshing, the house was getting too quiet. he also has the energy to get in his little bed (green triangular thing that hangs.) he’s been eating his food but we have been feeding time twice a day the bird food formula they gave us to make sure he’s getting lots of nutrients, as well as all of his medicines on time. he seems to be recovering and i’m so relieved. :) he’s still weak and doesn’t move much but he is improving
Oh so happy that your little one is home and on the improve!

I couldn't help but notice you mention Yuko has a "green triangular thing" used as a bed. Just wondering if it's one of those "happy hut" arrangements that we see that often cause problems. If it is made of synthetic fabrics, the tiny fibres can cause blockage of the gastro-intestinal tract if your bird chews on them, and they can do this without your even being aware that they are doing it. Might I suggest you consider looking into replacing it with an alternative made of seagrass, such as the one pictured below...


Folks here must be sick to death of me posting this picture by now, but I have one for my lorikeet and she absolutely loves sleeping in hers at night and I have zero concerns about her chewing on it.

Thanks again for the update and I hope your little one continues to improve! :)
hey everybody. my green cheeked conure has been fine, but today i noticed she was acting weird. she usually doesn't like to be picked up but today she was letting me do it as much as i want. she couldn't hold on to the fabric of my clothes like usually or even stay on my head or shoulder correctly because he kept slipping and losing her balance. one of her eyes is closed but it doesn't look swollen or anything. her feet are also kind of limp? she sort of feels lighter but i'm not sure. i'll attach a picture here. thank you for any help.View attachment 30291
Do your parents cook with teflon pans? Teflon releases fumes that us as humans don’t detect but it can kill a bird quite quickly. Especially if something is burnt while cooking with them. When I got my green cheek Mojito I replaced all of my pots and pans with copper coated ones because I read stories of peoples birds dying and had symptoms much like your Yuka did.
Do your parents cook with teflon pans? Teflon releases fumes that us as humans don’t detect but it can kill a bird quite quickly. Especially if something is burnt while cooking with them. When I got my green cheek Mojito I replaced all of my pots and pans with copper coated ones because I read stories of peoples birds dying and had symptoms much like your Yuka did.
So great to hear your feathered baby is improving. Scented candles, aerosol sprays, scented wall plug ins also toxic. Also with blood work they can spot metal toxicity. Is he chewing on cage bars or metal toys? My bird had metal poisoning and had same symptoms. But since bloodwork was not done on yuko its hard to know. I was told to give my bird a little bit of Metamucil mixed with peanut butter. It works like chelation therapy pushing any toxins out of the body. Maybe try that? It wouldnt hurt. Keep us posted.
yes! he actually has started chirping again for the first time since friday. it’s refreshing, the house was getting too quiet. he also has the energy to get in his little bed (green triangular thing that hangs.) he’s been eating his food but we have been feeding time twice a day the bird food formula they gave us to make sure he’s getting lots of nutrients, as well as all of his medicines on time. he seems to be recovering and i’m so relieved. :) he’s still weak and doesn’t move much but he is improving
Wonderful news, prayers answered!! 🙏
yes! he actually has started chirping again for the first time since friday. it’s refreshing, the house was getting too quiet. he also has the energy to get in his little bed (green triangular thing that hangs.) he’s been eating his food but we have been feeding time twice a day the bird food formula they gave us to make sure he’s getting lots of nutrients, as well as all of his medicines on time. he seems to be recovering and i’m so relieved. :) he’s still weak and doesn’t move much but he is improving
Impressive recovery. In my experience by the time you notice they are sick it's often too late. Keep on him with those antibiotics and complete the full regimen even if he seems "better". Otherwise lots of good advice on here already.
hey everybody! yuko has made a full recovery and is all the way back to normal! :) we also switched his seed diet to pellets, so he is eating healthier now. we got him the zupreem fruit blend and he’s been enjoying it. he was a bit fussy about it at first but he enjoys them now. we are working on his flying, since he can’t fly as much now. we are helping him build the muscles again. but other than that, he’s all better! thanks everybody for your support and help along the way ❤️

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