Something hubby said yesterday made me sad

You know what's curious - although I was the one who researched parrots for many years, met breeders, bought all the paraphernalia, and feed and clean up after my parrot, I don't think I love her. I think she's sweet, and incredibly intelligent, mischevious and soft and floofy... I'm just not attached. That makes me very sad.

My fiance, however... he fought me getting a parrot as hard as he could. But all it took was for Remi to snuggle into his neck and beak grind watching TV for him to fall in love with her. Now I think he cares for her more than I do, and what's more, I think he's her favourite too. She lets him crush her, smooch her feathers and all sorts of things I'm not allowed to!

Love never works the way we expect but I guess it's just part of life.
Completely blown away by the honesty of this thread!

I've always felt a little bit guilty of not loving all my animals the same.
Rico - my first CAG - made it very hard for any parrot to ever measure up to him.
After he passed away I refused to have another one for ages!
(actualy- I knew he would be irreplacable/ you never forget your first love or something like that? He was a great teacher of everything parrot.)

So -I value them al for being what and who they are of course, and I was seriously heartbroken when I had to euthanize D. (the first lady-grey in my life since Rico), so maybe that is why I have two now?
To lessen the bond a bit?
Or maybe because I realize being a human is not enough for someone who is a parrot?

My mother always expected me to get a babyCAG - I always decided it would be another rehomer/ rescue... but like bug_n_flock already said maybe I do not open to them as easily now as when I was younger.
Or just because I am *so* aware of being the responsible one now that it sort of keeps me from just going for it?

My friends (dog- and catpeople but no aminals of their own atm because of their jobs) are warming towards parrots, but are very clear they will not make good homes for them, so they want to parrotsit but no more than that.

I love everyone in my life differently, human and non-human, and that is okay.
(it has to be, I know no other way)
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