someone just gave me a grey!

She sounds like such a lovely sweet bird, what a shame she was treated that way. :( So glad you have her now!
Thank you for giving a wonderful home to this sweet baby! :)
thanks guys, she has settled in so well. its been a week today since we've had her. when there's no one about she starts singing (like someone in the shower) its so funny. and this morning when i took her cover off she said 'Morninggggggggg are you going walkies cos its raining' it was pouring down too so she's a smart girly! i love her to bits
She is beautiful! I'm so glad you have her
Awwww look at her pose, hehe what a gorgeous girl!
What a beautiful bird! I'm glad Fin went to a good home. Everybody/birdie deserves to be loved and cared for.
She truly is a gorgeous bird. Can't believe someone would treat her that way. Have you had any problems with screaming as the previous owner reported? I bet she just wanted some attention and you have certainly given her that!
How fortunate you both are. Isn`t funny how we can find pleasure in life. Many times it finds you when you least expect it. You have a wonderful gift here cherish it. Greys are such a wonderful pet to have. Lots of fun.
Aww I love how she is posing for the Camera :) She is adorable and looks like she has settled in very well!
It is very difficult to wrap my brain around the idea that a person would simply give up this bird. Both of you are very fortunate you found eachother.
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She truly is a gorgeous bird. Can't believe someone would treat her that way. Have you had any problems with screaming as the previous owner reported? I bet she just wanted some attention and you have certainly given her that!

no screaming at all, she doesn't even join in when Angel or Willow start squawking. she's very calm and still getting to know the routine, but she's a sweetheart. she makes little beeps and telephone noises and calls the dog (our dog and her previous owner's dog have the same name)!
It is very difficult to wrap my brain around the idea that a person would simply give up this bird. Both of your a very fortunate you found eachother.

i know, the previous owners said she was so noisy and screamed at 5am... but there was a hamster and 3 guinea pigs right next to her cage, i think they kept her awake all night and lack of sleep was making her cranky. there were probably other things too, poor diet, lack of attention/stimulation etc. i put a foraging toy in for her but she looked at me like i was crazy!
I'm so glad that she has found a good home with you. :)

It's so sad to think of what terrible things were said to her, when really, it probably wasn't even her fault!

Have you found any favourite foods yet? See if she's interested in playing any games, like peek-a-book, or even moving shells. (Where you hide a treat under a up/shell and move them around and they have to watch and guess which one it is)

She looks gorgeous! Keep us up to date :)
Both of you are very lucky

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