Somebody please tell me people are not this stupid !!

Ugh, what sort of stupid is that? Obviously a bird will want to climb around their cage, how could they not not foresee the... Ugh!
Unfortunately I know that people are that uneducated - it really doesn't make them that stupid.

It's called Common sense.
Just heartbreaking, im so sorry u had to go through that. That poor little soul.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if bird owners ( all pets owners for that matter ) where required to complete a basic "how to class" before being allowed to purchase?

You need a permit to change the color of your house, but can walk out of a pet store with a living soul if u have a few dollars in your pocket.

Boy oh boy are out priorities mixed up.

I think it's a lack of common sense.......My wife's co-worker last year bought 4 budgies...cute lil things. She has 5 Cats !!!!
The birds were dead within a week and her response was " oh well, they're just birds" .... (Somebody hold me down.....before I lose it).

I looked at my wife and said what was she thinking????
Wouldn't it be wonderful if bird owners ( all pets owners for that matter ) where required to complete a basic "how to class" before being allowed to purchase?

Preaching to the choir...

I've been advocating for species specific parrot handling classes for at least 10 years... and I used to teach them FOR FREE down at the rescue, for many years, as part of the IF YOU WANT TO ADOPT FROM US YOU TAKE THE DANG CLASS program.


It would at least cut down on the impulse purchases.

Amen !!!!!
And your right, there is a lot of hurdles to go through to have a Falcon or bird of prey, but a parrot can be had if you have cash in your pocket.
So many parrots are bought on impulse with out the person buying having the first idea about them...They figure " how hard can it be, a cat you feed it and change the litter box once a decade" ....they buy on the cuteness of the bird....then reality sets in and they haven't a clue in hell. Pisses me right off.
Just heartbreaking, im so sorry u had to go through that. That poor little soul.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if bird owners ( all pets owners for that matter ) where required to complete a basic "how to class" before being allowed to purchase?

You need a permit to change the color of your house, but can walk out of a pet store with a living soul if u have a few dollars in your pocket.

Boy oh boy are out priorities mixed up.

I think it's a lack of common sense.......My wife's co-worker last year bought 4 budgies...cute lil things. She has 5 Cats !!!!
The birds were dead within a week and her response was " oh well, they're just birds" .... (Somebody hold me down.....before I lose it).

I looked at my wife and said what was she thinking????

Hi Hawk,

This kind of seems like you think anyone who has cats should not also have birds? I have 6 rescued cats and currently 2 conures. I also had parakeets that lived a good long time, the cats never touching them.

Of course, I don't have a "they're just birds" mentality, so I'm a touch more cautious.
That poor baby. At this point I wonder if the owner realized what she had done and that decision most likely cost that baby's life. I have a friend that put mouse boards down and woke to find one stuck, all four feet. He couldn't bring himself to kill it so he put the mouse, board and vegetable oil in his car and drove to a field. He put the oil on the board and helped get the mouse off and let him free in the field. Based on that, last year my pug Lola came to me at our Inlaws house with a mouse board plastered to her chin, chest and fore arm. Got the oil from the pantry and worked the board off Lola. It took a bit but it came off. Then Lola got a bath to get the oil out of her fur. I'll never use mouse boards.
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Unfortunately I know that people are that uneducated - it really doesn't make them that stupid.

It's called Common sense.
Welllllll, I totally get that. I have two daughters...the first one was so smart it was scary. Now that she is older - age and smartness are right on track. BUT when I was pregnant with my second daughter I prayed for a baby with common sense. Kid you not. SHE has common sense...the book smartness she has to work for. You can't teach common sense. You either get it or you don't. My step son's IQ is really high - he was tested in 9th grade. But he does some really stupid things. Makes me shake my head. But I can't call him stupid because I know he isn't.

I'm sorry for the poor bird and that you had to witness it. I believe in education. Teach/learn by example.
Just heartbreaking, im so sorry u had to go through that. That poor little soul.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if bird owners ( all pets owners for that matter ) where required to complete a basic "how to class" before being allowed to purchase?

You need a permit to change the color of your house, but can walk out of a pet store with a living soul if u have a few dollars in your pocket.

Boy oh boy are out priorities mixed up.

I think it's a lack of common sense.......My wife's co-worker last year bought 4 budgies...cute lil things. She has 5 Cats !!!!
The birds were dead within a week and her response was " oh well, they're just birds" .... (Somebody hold me down.....before I lose it).

I looked at my wife and said what was she thinking????

Hi Hawk,

This kind of seems like you think anyone who has cats should not also have birds? I have 6 rescued cats and currently 2 conures. I also had parakeets that lived a good long time, the cats never touching them.

Of course, I don't have a "they're just birds" mentality, so I'm a touch more cautious.

No.....never said that. If it seems that way, my apologies. I had 2 cats and a major Mitchell at one time. Cats were terrified of it.
But in this case, with wifes co-worker, it seemed rather odd. A cats natural instinct is to take down a bird that flutters or fly's, it's in their nature and that's plain common sense. They (cats) can be trained, but cats and birds, I'd be a bit cautious. Some cats do well with pet birds, many others will not...... To all their own.
Unfortunately I know that people are that uneducated - it really doesn't make them that stupid.

It's called Common sense.
Welllllll, I totally get that. I have two daughters...the first one was so smart it was scary. Now that she is older - age and smartness are right on track. BUT when I was pregnant with my second daughter I prayed for a baby with common sense. Kid you not. SHE has common sense...the book smartness she has to work for. You can't teach common sense. You either get it or you don't. My step son's IQ is really high - he was tested in 9th grade. But he does some really stupid things. Makes me shake my head. But I can't call him stupid because I know he isn't.

I'm sorry for the poor bird and that you had to witness it. I believe in education. Teach/learn by example.

LOL....I agree with you...I two have 2 daughters, they are the complete opposite of one another. My brother in law has a Masters degree with a 3.91 GPA.....yet can't boil water if his life depended on it. He Didn't know you have to put oil in the car and have oil changes, and runs out of gas like a couple dozen times a year.....ha ha ha...sometimes I just don't get it.
The car thing sounds like my son and he went through two years of auto tech. Duh!!!
I get the gas. The only reason I don't run out is the car warns me. I know that a car takes gas to run lol. I just have a tendency to put it off till the last minute and or get busy or tired and forget.

Just last week I went on an errand. I was maybe 1/8 mile from my destination when my gas light came on. I knew gas was over a mile away. No way I could finish my errand and make it to station. Not even sure I can make it to station. Whew ran out of gas at the pump.
This has me soooo upset. :'( That poor little bird. <3
I get the gas. The only reason I don't run out is the car warns me. I know that a car takes gas to run lol. I just have a tendency to put it off till the last minute and or get busy or tired and forget.

Just last week I went on an errand. I was maybe 1/8 mile from my destination when my gas light came on. I knew gas was over a mile away. No way I could finish my errand and make it to station. Not even sure I can make it to station. Whew ran out of gas at the pump.

lmao . You crack me up
I hear stories like this sometimes and I feel so sad for people's ignorance and the consequences.
At least doing something without thinking is better intentioned than people who are just plain mean! (You know at least she cared and brought the bird for help).
Poor thing.
In defense of the lady and many others, people do things based on their window of expertise or experience thinking they are doing a great plan of action but sadly fail. If she realized this, think of the guilt she will carry with her for years if it sinks home with her. We don't know the details around her thought process. Working in a hospital, I could never be an ER nurse, some of the issues that come in the ER, WOW!!!!! Humans do it to humans too, ie kid jumping off trampoline and landing of rake. His dad was raking, was bagging leaves and kid decided to make a dramatic landing, rake through foot. Man drops cinder block on foot, breaking foot trying to stack cinder blocks to raise and save furniture from flood waters. It can be stupid or innocent.
In defense of the lady and many others, people do things based on their window of expertise or experience thinking they are doing a great plan of action but sadly fail. If she realized this, think of the guilt she will carry with her for years if it sinks home with her. We don't know the details around her thought process. Working in a hospital, I could never be an ER nurse, some of the issues that come in the ER, WOW!!!!! Humans do it to humans too, ie kid jumping off trampoline and landing of rake. His dad was raking, was bagging leaves and kid decided to make a dramatic landing, rake through foot. Man drops cinder block on foot, breaking foot trying to stack cinder blocks to raise and save furniture from flood waters. It can be stupid or innocent.

I can relate to that....worked as a Master equipment specialist for Trauma, burn and ICU....once in a blue moon, the ER room back in 80's early 90's before switching to engineering. I've seen stuff that that defies logic, and makes you go WTF? Other times you want to cry, like a set of twins under water for 40 minutes ( fell thru Ice) I worked 20 hours saving this child, one lived the other died....40 minutes under water !!!!

I seen people whom jumped off a hay wagon into a pile of hay, not know a pitchfork was waiting. That hurt the bum bum I suppose. Another thru a keg of beer onto a bon fire....The shrapnel took his arm off. it blew like a bomb. A wife threw wet active Draino into her husbands face then thru salt on top of it...ouch. Yet another wanted to build a swimming pool so made homemade pipe bombs to make the hole. Well made a hole alright, 6 foot deep in garage and lost both arms, 2 others lost a limb as well. And then there's the dude with a pet king snake or something like that, like a cobra, but worse. Man that was a bit intense. Or the kid that used gasoline to bar-b-q chicken. Yeah seen some stuff myself.
I can relate to both sides here.

When I was in my late teens, early twenties- I had a budgie named "Sammy", I also had a fruit fly problem (it was summertime) so I had one of those 'sticky' strips hanging up and Sammy got caught in it. I managed to get him free and I called the vet and they told me what to do (clean the glue off with dove soap and keep him warm at all times). He was shaking (from shock, not cold) and the vet told me to be prepared that he likely wouldn't last through the night.

That wasn't acceptable to me. So I turned the stove on and opened the oven door (to let the heat out), I made a pot of coffee and wrapped Sammy in a towel and stayed up all night with him and reassuring him. The vet told me had I not done that, he probably would have died from the shock.

Fast forward some twenty years and now whenever I do something- make a change in the apartment, buy a new product etc- my mind immediately goes to "how will this affect Skittles?"

Sometimes we do very stupid things and its unbelievable in hindsight what we've done. But hopefully, we learn from it, as I did.

I was lucky that i had a good outcome with Sammy, some people are not so fortunate.

I had done some incredibly stupid and irresponsible things when I was a teenager with regard to my birds.

Now, there is a difference between someone doing something stupid due to lack of knowledge or experience and then there's people who just don't give a crap and repeat the errors of their ways.

Best thing we can do is pass on the knowledge and experience lessons to others in hopes that they don't repeat the mistakes we made. But if people are provided the knowledge and choose to ignore it, well, then that's something totally different.
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First of all, why are there SOOOO many rats at her house that she's need 8 traps in 1 spot? What I the efffffff!
Fast forward some twenty years and now whenever I do something- make a change in the apartment, buy a new product etc- my mind immediately goes to "how will this affect Skittles?"

Sometimes we do very stupid things and its unbelievable in hindsight what we've done. But hopefully, we learn from it, as I did.

I was lucky that i had a good outcome with Sammy, some people are not so fortunate.

I had done some incredibly stupid and irresponsible things when I was a teenager with regard to my birds.

Now, there is a difference between someone doing something stupid due to lack of knowledge or experience and then there's people who just don't give a crap and repeat the errors of their ways.

Best thing we can do is pass on the knowledge and experience lessons to others in hopes that they don't repeat the mistakes we made. But if people are provided the knowledge and choose to ignore it, well, then that's something totally different.

Thanks for posting a great message. We don't know what we don't know, but we no longer live in isolation! Hard learned lessons are easily related and searched in forums such as PF. Archived threads can be resurrected by using the Search Engine and help save the day!
Wow that's so sad 😢😢😢. We get mice here this time of year, I took my trap out of the house and put it on the back deck, because I was having nightmares of the bird sticking his head inside of it. If I need to put it inside again, it will go where Matey can't get to it. I don't use sticky traps, and I dread to think the damage ANY mouse trap would do to a bird

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