Game or not, not sure where to post this.


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2017
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A crossover Quaker Scuti (F), A Sun conure named AC, A Cinnamon Green Cheek conure Kent, and 5 budgies, yellow (m), clark Jr. (m), Dot (f), Zebra(f), Machine (m).
So I threw some stuff away in the empty trash bin in my garage and I saw an animal move, several actually....I eeked like a 6yo girl. Then.... I saw it was mice and I was like, well now, they have some leftover brocolli and cauliflour to eat and some strawberries. Later I got a flashlight, (garage is dark) and saw they where on the wheel hump, no way they could get higher in the bin.

At this point I will say I'd know how they got in it's next to workbench so somehow they got on work bench and the smell of the trashcan (empty) atracted them.

So I was like shit I don't want them to die of thirst, so I went up to get a paper bowl and put water in it then I stopped. I was like screw it, dropped the bowl, went to the garage and tipped the bin over so they could get out and opened the garage door about 2 inches, I watched them run out and tipped the bin back up....there were three and they all looked kinda young, I dunno.

Turned off the lights and left that overnight, was day when this happened so the escape was obvious.

Then I looked up mouse vs. parrot out of curiosity, apperantly even budgies have killed mice but people worry about disease. So it led me to rewatching this fight:

And thats why parrots are superior.

So what interactions have you had with other species entering your parrots territory. Lizards or etc.?
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( lizard vs bella )About a year ago My budgie Bella had an encounter with a Gecko in her cage. She absolutely freaked and started screeching. She then attacked the lizard, biting off its tail. She then proceeded to kill the lizard. The lizard was also seemingly newly molted.
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Dog vs Archie, one of my past Green Cheek Conures. Archie was a ripe little brash greenie. The typical green cheek. Not afraid of anything! He would play tag with my dog at the time, Aaerro, through the bars of the community cage. He would run away and Aaerro would wag her tail and follow him. Repeat ad nauseum. If she got too close to sniffing him, CHOMP! When he got tired of the game, he would climb to the top of the cage ( 6 feet tall, 3 feet wide, and 3 feet deep) and fling food at her. It was quite comical!

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