Some help please?

Ok hold the phone I’m just now reading in more detail, are you suggesting this person needs to go buy a tool to read the surface temp of their bird? Where did you get that idea?
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Here is what I (call it scientific if you want) oh wait. Have you ever used an infra red digital thermometer? News Flash! it is a new modern era very accurate TOOL.

Parents of baby chick regurgitate what they eat, Correct?

I understand that you have many birds and are very experienced. I also understand very well that you can teach an old dog a new trick.

Do you believe I can put an Aviator Flight harness on cinched up consistently every time in less than 30 Seconds?
OP, condolences to you. I do applaud your efforts, and I'm so sorry Blue didn't make it.

I also appreciate the passion and energy of contributing members. Special thanks to those who make extra efforts to keep the tone positive and affirming as we deal with controversy and in this case, tragedy.

Rest in peace, Blue.
I am so very sorry for your loss. I know how quickly these babies can work their way into our hearts, and I wish Blue could've made it.
Ok hold the phone I’m just now reading in more detail, are you suggesting this person needs to go buy a tool to read the surface temp of their bird? Where did you get that idea?
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Here is what I (call it scientific if you want) oh wait. Have you ever used an infra red digital thermometer? News Flash! it is a new modern era very accurate TOOL.

Parents of baby chick regurgitate what they eat, Correct?

I understand that you have many birds and are very experienced. I also understand very well that you can teach an old dog a new trick.

Do you believe I can put an Aviator Flight harness on cinched up consistently every time in less than 30 Seconds?

I believe you were complicating the process far more than was necessary. A food thermometer is perfectly acceptable to use for formula. Yes, you could blend up what the parents eat, but that's assuming you have a real good blender that can really get everything ground up fine. That's another tool to buy. You risk not blending the stuff fine enough and you risk choking the baby with rogue pieces. Formula is made with all the stuff baby parrots need and it takes out that step for you, so one less step to worry about. How much experience do you have raising baby birds exactly? Getting your harness on your bird quickly... not exactly the same thing as helping a baby bird thrive.

To the OP...I am so sorry for your loss. Please reconsider getting an unweaned baby in the future.
DiscoDuck... congrats on getting your bird’s harness on in... a normal amount of time?

I’m not an “old dog” thank you and I learn new trick all the time.

Yes I have an infrared thermometer and I use it to spot check my nest boxes and brooders. I DO NOT use it to calculate my formula temp. Surface temp is NOT internal temp. Also, the baby was not in a proper brooder which would have changed the temp of the skin and thus, if the OP had fed formula based on that, it would have contributed to the problem.

You gave what I honestly feel was damaging advice by making the issue extremely complex when the problem had nothing to do with formula temp. I really appreciate you trying to help but your aggressive manner with a desperate OP combined with your dangerous advice was scary. Please continue to help, but please do more research first.

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so sorry to hear. The less words said about that piece of subhuman garbage the better, though 'turning up on the doorstep' would be the least of their worries if I were in your shoes.

Definitely do all you can to prosecute them to the highest extent possible. Argue that what they do is animal abuse and mis-selling of goods (if not appealing to people's love of animals appeal to the monetary loss)

She definitely will be prosecuted because I am not the only case where this has happened. She sold a sick baby macaw to someone that I got in touch with recently as well so we will be taking the breeder to court together if possible.
Thank you to everyone for giving your condolences. It is very appreciated. SilverSage helped me so much and she was there for me and I really appreciate her helping me.
I just thought I could save the baby, my friend who bought the baby didn’t know how to hand feed and never had experience so I took Blue in.
I should’ve done a better job at keeping Blue warm and also I should have known something was shady about the breeder for basically throwing an unweaned baby in my lap and not answering all my questions truthfully or accurately. The breeder said she never keeps her babies in a brooder once they get all their feathers, I tried to go to the breeders house in the first place to talk sense into her about maybe just giving my friend back $100 out of the $300 she paid because she cannot take the baby in but the breeder basically handed Blue to me, and when I tried to ask questions she would role her eyes and then answer quickly and shut the door. The avian vet said that if this is the same “breeder” she has had cases from before then something needs to be done about it. Also the lady I met who had a macaw that she bought from this “breeder” was fully weaned and was eating seeds but its health went down rapidly over the course of three days, she rushed it to the vet and by the time it got to the vet it was too late. This woman who’s name I will not say went back to this “breeder” and the “breeder” refused to return the $2500 the woman paid.

I suggest if you buy from a breeder make sure they are willing to answer questions and make sure they do not give you an unweaned baby. Also ask them if you can see where the babies are held during the time of hand feeding and you need to make sure it is sanitary and healthy. Make sure the breeder isn’t selfish. I know a lot of breeders that care for their animals and if my friend would’ve come to me first I would’ve asked for a baby indian ringneck from a breeder I trust.
I am so very sorry for the loss of your baby bird, you did everything you could.

Please post the breeder's name and location out on FB and tell everyone what you went through. If she has a FB account, write on that and warn people.

Getting the word out on this a$$hole is the best thing you can do.

I didn’t post her name or facebook or anything about the breeder because I was told not to. All I could say was my story. Since this case could potentially go to court I’m just going to stay quiet and pray nobody buys birds from that breeder. I saw some posts from the breeder on but it got taken down and it looks like that breeder won’t be around anymore. My friend was saying that rabbits were bred very close to the bird cages and the vet mentioned that maybe Blue had eaten a piece of rabbit poop or something else.

Really? You can't write anything on her, not even over on Yelp? If you can't you can't, I wish you all the luck in court. If it does end up in court, your friend should have no trouble getting her money back.

Unfortunately in my state animals are not seen as anything more than property, but I do believe that California is more progressive.

Or ate a rabbit pellet. I hope all of her animals are confiscated.

Please keep us informed.
I doubt very much that this breeder will take any legal action against anybody. That would attract a lot of unwelcome attention. If I knew the name, I would post it. Your posts were factual and not defamatory in the least.

Might be worth talking to the Animal Legal Defense Fund: About Us | Animal Legal Defense Fund
I doubt very much that this breeder will take any legal action against anybody. That would attract a lot of unwelcome attention. If I knew the name, I would post it. Your posts were factual and not defamatory in the least.

Might be worth talking to the Animal Legal Defense Fund: About Us | Animal Legal Defense Fund

Well this lady who was breeding these animals posted mostly on craigslist and hoobly. Everything from her got taken down and my friend did try to approach this “breeder” today and the cops got involved. I rushed over and the cops are telling me not to post her name or address or anything because she can say that I used her name and posted her personal information without her consent. I don’t know but we have cops involved and animal control now.
I doubt very much that this breeder will take any legal action against anybody. That would attract a lot of unwelcome attention. If I knew the name, I would post it. Your posts were factual and not defamatory in the least.

Might be worth talking to the Animal Legal Defense Fund: About Us | Animal Legal Defense Fund

Well this lady who was breeding these animals posted mostly on craigslist and hoobly. Everything from her got taken down and my friend did try to approach this “breeder” today and the cops got involved. I rushed over and the cops are telling me not to post her name or address or anything because she can say that I used her name and posted her personal information without her consent. I don’t know but we have cops involved and animal control now.

You can post anything you want to about her as long as it is TRUE.

When my cat got butchered four years ago by a "veterinarian" you damn right I posted about her and what she did on Yelp and Face Book.
So I’m going to update this thread. I rushed Blue to the avian certified animal hospital yesterday in pamona california and after oxygen therapy and being put in a brooder at 95 degrees farenheit Blue passed away. Blue was my baby and I tried everything and no one and nothing will ever replace her in my heart.

The vet said that Blue had to be sick for a while since the illness was so advanced. The breeder finally did contact me and said that if I show up on her doorstep she will call the cops on me. This breeder was a liar and just wanted money and ran. Now, after explaining my story to the vet, animal control will be getting involved and my friend who bought Blue is filling a small claim lawsuit.

My deepest condolences for your loss of Blue. Thank you for taking an interest and making such effort to treat and cure.

I would do everything legally and morally possible to prosecute that malignant "breeder."
My friend asked me not to post anything until after the court date. Since everything got taken down from craigslist and hoobly and all the other websites for this breeder I will not worry too much about it. Animal control is in contact with us and said they will be visiting the breeders house later today with some of their officers and most likely most or all of the animals will get taken away from this breeder
jf, THANK YOU for your courageous and responsible followthrough on this. I think it's very brave of you, especially in view of your loss!
My vet always takes care of my animals and me as a person. I had been blaming myself for Blue’s death since she passed, and its just been really really hard. I spoke with my vet as a friend and told her I felt like a piece of me died with Blue because I saw her as so much more than my pet. She was family and I know this will sound weird but my kid. I loved her so much and she had so much value to me and even looking at her picture now is so hard to do.

My vet listened to me and decided to do a necropsy for free and gave me the results today. She said first of all that Blue’s symptoms didn’t add up and she went digging for answers and the test results came back as Blue having poison in her blood. The vet thinks that maybe Blue had eaten something toxic such as Cedar Wood in the home of the breeder and thus there was nothing I could do at all to save Blue because she was so young and tiny. Of course my heart broke a little more, it was good to hear it wasnt my fault but my heart still shattered. I have more determination to give the breeder hell now. I can’t even look at a picture of Blue without tears forming and now I know that no matter what i tried nothing would have saved Blue but I just wish with all my heart that I could hold her now or hold her as she passed to let her know that I loved her.
Having lost several of my animals recently, with the number 1 cause of death being cancer... it doesn't matter that "nothing could have been done differently", and "you did the best you could have for them". It doesn't stop the pain, the guilt, wishing there was something you *could* have done differently or better. It all hurts the same.

The youngest one I lost was 7 years old... she should have lived for 20+ years. Even at 7, she apparently outlived her relatives. :(

I haven't been the same lately... even though people may think otherwise. I'm constantly looking at animals up for adoption or even for sale, but haven't made the leap into actually getting one yet.

Although it does get easier with time, the tears could start rolling at any moment, even if you try to think of happy thoughts. You know... stay positive and all. Not easy when a chunk of your heart and life is missing...

I hope you and your boyfriend are able to get some closure and if the breeder is in fact at fault, get her "business" shut down and animals removed from residence.

I think you are doing the right thing by not saying who the breeder is, as it could cause more harm if other people decide to look her up and harass her.

I'm glad you have the vet that you have! My own has done free necropsies a couple of times as well, and has also shed tears of sorrow with me. The support group at the vets office kind of does help. Hang in there!
Having lost several of my animals recently, with the number 1 cause of death being cancer... it doesn't matter that "nothing could have been done differently", and "you did the best you could have for them". It doesn't stop the pain, the guilt, wishing there was something you *could* have done differently or better. It all hurts the same.

The youngest one I lost was 7 years old... she should have lived for 20+ years. Even at 7, she apparently outlived her relatives. :(

I haven't been the same lately... even though people may think otherwise. I'm constantly looking at animals up for adoption or even for sale, but haven't made the leap into actually getting one yet.

Although it does get easier with time, the tears could start rolling at any moment, even if you try to think of happy thoughts. You know... stay positive and all. Not easy when a chunk of your heart and life is missing...

I hope you and your boyfriend are able to get some closure and if the breeder is in fact at fault, get her "business" shut down and animals removed from residence.

I think you are doing the right thing by not saying who the breeder is, as it could cause more harm if other people decide to look her up and harass her.

I'm glad you have the vet that you have! My own has done free necropsies a couple of times as well, and has also shed tears of sorrow with me. The support group at the vets office kind of does help. Hang in there!

Thank you so much for the encouraging words. I am so sorry for your loss, and I totally understand, it’s just so hard. My boyfriend and I are getting another ringneck by next year. My boyfriend has been asking for one repeatedly and he keeps saying “I know it won’t replace Blue ever but maybe just maybe it’ll make us feel better?” I’ve been a bit distant the last few days and he’s just trying to cheer me up and he agreed to pay for the little baby so I got on a waiting list for one. The thought cheered me up a bit but then i found a picture of Blue on my phone of when i first got her and she was so happy and vibrant and I had so many plans for her. I was actually going to start introducing her to the harness today, that was on my calendar and just seeing her name in my calendar and her pictures on my phone is making me more upset because I realize that she died so young and all because of careless actions of the breeder. That’s what hurts even more is the beeeder won’t talk to me or anything, I’m blocked from all phone calls and messages. My friend got ahold of the breeder on the phone and when she tried to explain the situation to the breeder about why animal control and cops are getting involved the breeder basically said “f**k you” and hung up.

There is no sympathy with this breeder, its almost like dealing with someone who has so much to hide and I bet she does and thats why she didn’t let me in her home to see all of the babies personally, she just brought Blue to the door after I knocked and gave her to me. I don’t want this woman to be harrassed but I do want her to pay for her mistakes and I personally need closure.
Keep us updated on how things go, and someday, this will be a distant memory and things will be better!

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