(SOLVED) Is having the microwave in my birds proximity safe?


New member
Mar 12, 2023
I have one parakeet.
I bought a microwave do I can start making then yams, veggie chops, and I places it in my room where my other eletronics are.

Is the proximity of the microwave safe for my budgies? I heard that microwave radiation is bad. I wanna make sure they'll be okay with the distance from it and if microwaving their food is okay too?

They're about 5 feet away from it.

Here's a photo for reference.
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😂 Thank you, was very worried about that and now my concerns are gone. :)
If it makes you feel better I'm an electrical engineer. I wasn't being OMG ...this....no it's completely safe. I could go into the wavelengths of the EM spectrum and all that but.....yeah just trust me as someone that has nine parrots myself, it's completely fine.
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If it makes you feel better I'm an electrical engineer. I wasn't being OMG ...this....no it's completely safe. I could go into the wavelengths of the EM spectrum and all that but.....yeah just trust me as someone that has nine parrots myself, it's completely fine.
Thank you, you got a serious flock on your hands haha. My doubts cleared and Im Thankful you replied. My luck that youre an EE so youre the expert on this.

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