So, you want to get a parrot for the first time?

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Yes Jawz - like musky flowers! That's a perfect definition.

I do adore it!!! *sigh* -

Right now a Double Yellow Head is one of the parrots I'm thinking of getting. It's between a DYH and a Timneh African Grey.

Decisions. Decisions. :D

But nobody ever prepares you for the the awesome smell of an Amazon. *swoon* - it's like puppy breath. You either love it or you hate it. I adore it.

i'm so glad i found someone else who loves puppy breath...mmmmm
and i love that parroty smell (especially when they're wet), its delicious!! x
I love Mishka's breath after dinner, he eats strawberry yoghurt at about 5.50pm. The smell of strawberry is still smellable when he goes to bed at 8pm.
My guys love kissing him then..... I just kiss him ALL THE TIME

Having a parrot in your home is not all roses and I'm sure everyone would admit to thinking: Just 10mins peace would be great.

Ha! Yesterday morning I told Kazi, "You know, South American Indians find amazons delicious. You might want to check yourself, bird." He was on my last nerve.

I had heard that having a parrot was like having a toddler with wings, and it's true. And like children, you can do all the reading and question asking and research you want, but nothing, and I mean NOTHING, can possibly prepare you for living with one!

It definitely takes a special kind of person to live with a parrot. They are sure not for everyone!

ETA: I'm not sure how this reply ended up in a thread from March! I thought I was replying to a recent post!
Actually it was probably a great post for you to dig up. Maybe it should even be stickied.

I think one problem is people don't realize they NEED to do research. They see birds in pet stores, on TV or at a bird show and think it's the same as any other pet sold in a pet store. You just buy it, a cage and supplies, and that's that. You play with it when you want to, and when you don't, it just sits in it's cage, right? Then they find out very quickly how wrong their assumptions were.

I think a lot of people also fall in love with baby bird personalities, and then it grows up and they decide they don't like it anymore. Or it doesn't turn out to talk like the bird they saw on America's Got Talent and they don't like it anymore. I can't tell you how many people have told me, angrily, that their bird doesn't talk. When I question them I find out it lives in a bedroom with little human interaction, and they look at me like I'm nuts when I ask if they talk to the bird. They say, no, I don't talk to it! Well, duh, how would it learn to talk if it's not talked to? If you feel silly talking to animals, you probably shouldn't have them.

They definitely aren't for everyone. They are noisy, demanding and messy. They require social activities and mentally stimulating activities. And if I had had a family I probably would have just stayed with budgies rather than gotten into the larger ones. Yes, budgies need attention as well, but they seem to be happy with an active family around them, provided the family pays attention to them and at least one gets it out to interact. My current flock would probably be very jealous of the attention human children need.
This was a good read, march or not.

I will admit, I was NOT prepared for the mess Kevin makes when eating since the conure won't eat fresh food as a lingering pet store habit (it's taken a year to get off sunflower seeds). I didn't expect the SPRAY of food where she didn't really eat but just destroyed, eating by accident.

I do like my little toddler MOST of the time. Right now i'm not thrilled as my neck is the best toy in the world and not built for chomping.
Ha! Yesterday morning I told Kazi, "You know, South American Indians find amazons delicious. You might want to check yourself, bird." He was on my last nerve.

I literally laughed out loud at this, and how funny it would be if kazi actually said, "amazons are delicious" after that.
This is such a great post and I noticed that it says banned under the OP's name, how exactly does one get banned from the forum? It's a shame, he seemed like a very informed poster.
This is such a great post and I noticed that it says banned under the OP's name, how exactly does one get banned from the forum? It's a shame, he seemed like a very informed poster.

yep...i was wondering the same thing
question? although I totally agree with you, why does it say "banned", under your name? Have you been questionable? Are you a rebel? If so, I'll have to agree again, me too!!
If a member does not follow the regulations set down by adm. we will ban them. Everyone should read and be aware of what these are. We would have a very nasty forum if we did not have the banning option. Forum Rules
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Another member did take umbrage with me for saying this should be stickied since the OP is banned, and PMed me about it. I just replied, I don't know the story behind that, but it's still a very good post for people considering a parrot as a pet.
I have an alexandrine parrot I take feeding from me like mother feeding how to train my bird to thake food by its own
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