Sometimes I do feel quite bad when I take Birdie around with me in public.
Every time without fail, I get asked slight variations on the same questions:
Is that your pet? (when he's sitting beside me on a parkbench/table)
Doesn't it fly away?
Whats its name?
Is it a boy or a girl?
Does it talk?
How much did he cost?
1 in 500 people recognise him as a GGC
1 in 100 people recognise him as a conure
1 in 75 people call him a Rosella!
1 in 50 people take pictures/video of him with their phones
1 in 5 people will try and touch him
*often without warning/asking.
Not one person asks about what its like to own a parrot. Apparently all they see is a happy Birdie and assume he is completely obediant to me, Which is not the case at all. The reality is he's just happy to be with me and excited to see the world.
Many parents at the park with their kids ask me some worrying questions about where to purchase a parrot and how much he cost me.
I've gotten to the point where I have to hold an almost negative point of view when talking to strangers about Birdie (-very messy -demanding on time -can bite -expensive) just to stop people from going out and buying a bird on impulse. :smile003:
I should carry around a card with Birdie's infomation so I don't have to repeat myself. Or even better, train Birdie to answer them himself