So in Love but Worried...


New member
Aug 9, 2011
New York
Alexandrine "Mango"
Hello Everyone,

My name is Angela im new here and have wrote a few posts about getting a new bird. Im a Vet tech and have fostered quite a few birds but never owned one. I started looking for a bird about a month ago and fell in love with an Alexandrine at an all bird pet store we have here on Long Island. I went home and did lots of research and searched and searched for breeders and couldnt find any close. Needless to say I couldnt stop thinking of that sweet and beautiful bird that I saw and I went back for him/her lastnight. There were 3 of them and there was just something about the one I picked that I cant explain. So, I had him out and was talking to the owner of the store when I realized that on one foot he was missing 3 nails. She explained to me that this happens sometimes maybe mommy or siblings chewed them off or could be a birth defect. She said it doesnt affect them and they do just fine and they dont even know they're missing them.
They woman was very nice and wasnt trying to push me to buy him or any other bird, which at this point didnt matter because he was coming home with me anyway lol. Since we've been home he's climbing all over cage and perches and this morning was stretching only standing on the foot with missing nails and seems to be fine. Im just worried if this is going to effect him being able to play and or hold a piece of fruit and eat it. Also, they had him on a pellet only diet which im glad thats what he likes since it's better for them. I bought the food they feed him and was wondering if it is a good one or not it is called Mazuri. Thank you for your time reading this long post.

Angela & Mango
Congrats on your new baby! We look forward to seeing pictures! :) Can't say I've ever heard of Mazuri myself... maybe somebody else here has.
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Thank you Rio Mom, he /she is precious and I'm so happy. I have heard of Mazuri they make foods for Zoo Animals from everything from birds to large cats. its what he has always had I just wanna give him/her whats best. Mango has never had anything but pellets and when I gave him a slice of apple this morning he was a little nervous then very excited lol. I will post some pics soon.

Mazuri seems to be a high quality food. I've heard many positives about it. But the one negative that I've often heard and can attest to myself, is that you wont find it in most stores.

If you have a reliable source of Mazuri, stick with it. If not, Zupreem is a great option that is available at pretty much any pet store. Harrison's is also great but mainly available from some veterinary offices or online.
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Thx AuggiesDad, the store I got Mango at sells the Mazuri and is only about 15 minutes from me, so I can get it there. I have heard it was good as well. It's $3.69 a lb, dont know if thats high or not but I dont think its a big deal and will continue to buy it for him. He likes it so if it's a good food Im happy.
I don't think he'll struggle too much, birdies are very adaptabe :)
Welcome! My Grey, Ruby, got constricted toes while she was still in the nest box and lost the back toes on both feet. Since she's never known anything else, she doesn't miss them. The only difference we see between her mobility and our other birds is she has a little more trouble perching on our shoulders, but it doesn't seem to bother her at all.

Enjoy your little Alex.
Random Fact about Mazuri:

They have a web store! (can't get more reliable then that! LOL)

Psittacine/Passerine Diets

There is also SEVERAL dealers in your area, check the store locator. if they don't have it on hand they can normally order it in!

My aunt swears by this stuff!
And I must say:
Everyone in school who was teaching the avian portions all swore by it.
I know that several zoo's around here feed it as well.
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  • #9 so glad its such a good food, Mango knows nothing else and seems too enjoy it. Even better, I can get it right up the street. He doesnt seem to be bothered in anyway by his missing nails which is also great..!
Congratulations on your new love! Do you know how old he is? If his missing toes don't bother him, don't let it worry, you, as others said, he's likely adapting fine to it.
My Rosebreasted cockatoo is missing one toenail. I actually picked him from a clutch of three, even though he was missing a nail (well, almost all of it, some is there, just really short and it never grows), because I bonded the best with him. When given a choice like that, I've learned that the one you bond with (he or she likes you and you like him or her) makes the easiest companion in the long run. I can say that in the eight years I've had him that it has never bothered him. He holds things, hangs upside down and screams at his toys like a deranged monkey, and eats just fine. And it's one less nail I have to keep trimmed! :D Congrats on your new friend.
i truly beleive the pet picks you! it sounds like you will have a wonderful relationship together :D. by any chance was the store called "birds only" ive been wanting to make a trip there i live about 15 min away from it, are the staff friendly?
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Hi Ann, yes the store is Birds Only on Jericho Turnpike in Mineola. There were 3 Alexandrines when I picked Mango, He was a sweetheart and I didnt care about his foot. I could have picked one of the other two but it was him I wanted. He's been home with me for 5days and I dont think he knows something is wrong with his foot. He is all over his cage holding things in his foot and is totally fine... I LOVE HIM. Birds Only is a family owned store that has been there 25 yrs, they were very nice. The owner was there when I was looking at him and I asked alot of questions about his foot and if he would be ok. And without being pushy as too make me buy him she actually gave him to me for $50 less.
Hi and congrats on your new bird. Mazuri is a great food I use it for my herps. Unfortunatly, I have to buy direct and my birds go through food fast I couldnt afford the shipping cost :)

Looking foward to pics
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I got him at a pet store and was told he was 7 months...He doesnt know he's missing
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Im very lucky with the Mazuri, the place I got Mango sells it and there only about 15 mins from me.

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