

New member
Feb 7, 2014
Caret, VA
Kali-Catalina Macaw
Kali has been home a couple days now and she is sneezing a lot. Scratching and putting her toenails in her nares. I took a flashlight and checked for mucus or something stuck in there. They were clean with no obstruction.
I think my air quality may be bad or she is allergic to my cats dander?? I am going to put a humidifier in her room tonight and see if that helps.
Other than the sneezing she is acting healthy, active, and eating well.
Any thoughts?
Dry air, and dust from his on molt will cause my Mac to sneeze a little. I tend to give him extra misting with a spay bottle. Seems to help a bit.
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I went ahead and put both an air purifier and a humidifier in her room. I am hoping those will help. I will be keeping a close eye on her.

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