Is my bird sick?


New member
Aug 14, 2024
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Green Cheek Conure
Electus parrot
Today i have just noticed white thing in both of her nostrils, they are not wet or have any discharge it’s just dry. She has been sneezing a lot for the past week so I assumed it was because of the dry air and got her a humidifier but I just noticed this stuff in her nose. What can I do to help?
Dry sneezes are usually from dust or other stuff in the air. My parrot sneezes a time or 2 in the AM. Wet sneezes, with any discharge, are totally different and a sign of more serious issues. Wet - CAV visit.

That little white thing in the nostril is normal. I know cuz I took Salty to the vet cuz I thought he had gotten a seed stuck in there. Nope, totally normal.

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