I can get her to take thick, sweet tasting meds from a syringe, but it takes her like half an hour to take even one mL, so it's quite a pain. As for the runny, and bad tasting meds like Celebrex, forget it. She doesn't like them and I end up dribbling them all over the place. That one is easy to let dry on Nutriberries though for a couple of hours since it doesn't need refrigerated. Right now I'm trying that new anti-fungal on a Nutriberry. I was able to let it soak in about 30 minutes before I gave it to her. But, she was wiping off parts of it on the edge of her food dish, so I had to get all the crumbs and put them back into the bowl. She is eating the crumbs right now so I will need to see how she did with it. The one that didn't need refrigerated was so much easier as I could let it soak in a long time first. I just told her she has to eat every bit before she gets anything else, and she went back to the bowl to finish it. So we shall see. I may have to return to using the syringe with this one. But, she is quite terrified of towels now after so many vet visits and different procedures she hated, that I don't want to towel her everyday if I don't have to. And she is 21 years old and far removed from those hand feeding days. It's too bad she turned into a giant feathered peanut butter ball from the toast since it worked so easily for Pete. He got all the meds, and quickly with no waste. And thought I was giving him a very special treat to boot!