

New member
Apr 25, 2013
IRN blue
So once your fav bird is no longer afraid of you any more... how do you stop them from snatching something out your fingers.

I've been giving Bobby fresh pieces of anything. And well he's that eager to get them off me he kinda snatches it... and for someone who is a little scared of even his tiny beak. It's a bit intimidating? he can't be that hungry can he?

For a bird that is only supposed to eat twice a day, he never seems to stop eating! After about 11pm he goes quiet till three, then starts to eat again. And when we have dinner he's demanding more.

I guess I'll know if he's a big boy, on wed at the vets. Can parrots actually be over weight?

Sorry for all the questions.
Why, you send him to birdie behavior school.....or at least you will need to set boundaries/limits for Bobby.....touch training and/or clicker training might be good reading sources for the next little while.....

You don't mention how old Bobby is or how long he's been part of your flock, but it sounds like it might be becoming a game to's a shame, but our feathered friends don't usually go through etiquette & charm finishing school before moving in with their new flocks.....

If memory serves, it's around 18mo when a male's ring shows up.....

Good luck.....
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The touch training might work better. I've got a clicker so will concentrate some more on reading and learning about that.

The previous owner got him at 7mths, had him about 6mths and we've had him 5 weeks. He's around 15mths old... Cute as a button and getting adventurous now. He has managed to bed another feather though in the cage. So will be glad when he's at the vet, so that we can make sure everything is okay with him. Once this one is out he'll feel much better again I'm sure as it's irritating him to no end.

Do all ring necks have the black line's down their tail feather? His looks like a vertical big thick line, with smaller horizontal ones all the way up it. It does look a little tatty, so I'm hoping that if he moults one of these will be the ones to go.

Thanks for the reply :)

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