Smokeys Plucking


New member
Jan 21, 2013
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Rocky...Yellow Crown Amazon....

Smokey Congo Grey....

Shamrock Male Eclectus.......

Baby Female Congo Grey.....
Cookie.....Aztec Conure
he hasn't stopped yet he keeps plucking away at his feathers , he gets 3 showers a week plus I use Feather In and Tropical Rain Mist , I don't know what else to use on him ,also he has stopped eating his pellets again, all he eats is his goldenfeast and will not touch a pellet hasn't touched one in days , I have ran out of ideas for him , he is really a good bird and does get a lot of attention but I can't play with him 24/7 that's about the only way is to sidetrack him from plucking , I do most of the time but I work and I have to spread my time out and give attention to my other birds to , maybe I shouldn't have adopted him he is worse now then he was the day I brought him home , featherwise his personality is great he is such a sweet bird any ideas from anyone ??
It probably wouldn't hurt for him to try on the buddy sock if he keeps at it...he sounds like a high strong bird that have you trained. Plucking away to get attention....If you can teach him to entertain himself it would really help with the issue....
I am sorry but I don't know what else to offer as advice except the usual: don't feed pellets, give him good quality light, keep him to a strict solar schedule and give him company. That's all I do. I never give them or do anything different than I would do for any other parrot and it usually works...
You mentioned Goldenfeast, you may want to check this out:

I don't have any experience with pluckers, but Monica posted an AWESOME link just yesterday:

Then there is Mtdoramike's thread about his Mac in bootcamp:

Does Smokey have foraging opportunities, and do you change toys regularly?
yes Smokey has all kindsa of toys and 3 foraging toys I'am ordering the pluckers refeathering kit and the coillar for him , hope it works

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